This provision impacts all active licensees.
This provision will have the most impact on 450 licensees who are licensed to use unsealed nuclear substances. This
group consists mainly of nuclear power plants, uranium processing facilities, and medical and research facilities.
Provide additional information to training documentation for radiation protection and new worker orientation
(one-time cost) – CNSC’s estimate
- 95% of licensees will have to update their training documentation, five hours’ work
Deliver and receive training – CNSC’s estimate |
- 10% of licensees (157) may have to deliver some training
- 10% of NEWs who received a dose may need training (3,380)
Review radiation hazard assessments (one-time cost) – CNSC’s estimate |
1,527 out of 93,764 monitored female NEWs received a dose greater than 1 mSv, the public dose
limit (2016, NDR)
10% of female NEWs who received an equivalent dose of more than 1 mSv in 2016 could require the
licensee to make accommodations; therefore, it is expected that approximately 153 licensees will
have to review hazard assessments which take one hour each
Modify work assignments (accommodation) – CNSC’s estimate |
- The calculation for making accommodations for a female NEW is based on two hours of work
153 licensees may need to make accommodations for a breastfeeding NEW. The CNSC believes very few
breastfeeding NEWs work in environments that will require accommodation. Some of the work may
already be in place, because the licensee would have had to make accommodations when the NEW was
Revise documents
Two submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
- 10 hours of work to develop training materials at $100 per hour
50 hours of work to develop training materials and technical basis documents, based on a mixed
technical group doing the work at $100 per hour
Deliver and receive training
Two submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
- Deliver 3 minutes of training to 1,000 new workers each year at $100 per hour
- Specific incremental training, goes to all, as role and gender of worker not considered
Deliver 6 minutes of training to 7,000 workers upfront at $60 per hour, and 2,000 new workers each
year at $60 per hour
Other – respond to individual concerns
Nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
- 20 workers each year, 20 minutes per consultation, at $60 per hour
- Radiation health physicist speaking with workers for 20 minutes at $75 per hour
Review hazard assessments (one-time cost) – Nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates |
- Assume it is covered by existing practices for protecting pregnant and breastfeeding workers
Modify work assignments (accommodation) – Nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates |
- No cost, accommodation is already provided
- Assume it is covered by existing practices for protecting pregnant and breastfeeding women
This provision will have most impact on 450 licensees who are licensed to use unsealed nuclear substances. This
group consists mainly of nuclear power plants, uranium processing facilities, and medical and research facilities.
Review hazard assessments (one-time cost) – CNSC estimate |
All licensees (1570) will have to review the radiation hazards associated with their licensed
activities and determine whether the lower dose limit for lens of an eye will impact their radiation
protection program.
Licensees have already identified the radiation fields that will be encountered by NEWs as part of
their jobs. For example, large facilities such as nuclear power plants and processing facilities
regularly assess radiation hazards as part of their radiation protection program. Nuclear medicine
departments identify radiation hazards by area in each medicine room. This information is
fundamental to planning work involving radiation and the foundation of a licensee’s radiation
protection program.
- The review of the radiation hazard assessments is estimated to take two hours
Provide additional information in training documentation for radiation protection and new worker orientation
(one-time cost) – CNSC estimate
Licensees who may need to modify their existing practices based on their licenced activities (650)
- 650 licensees may have to update their materials, taking five hours’ work to complete
Deliver and receive training – CNSC estimate |
- 650 licensees may have to deliver some training
- 10% of NEWs who received a dose may need training (3,380)
Provide safety goggles – capital costs
CNSC estimate
- 650 licensees may need to purchase 10 additional pairs each year at a cost of $10 per pair.
Cover shipping costs for special eye dosimeters – CNSC estimate |
- Based on 170 NEWs received effective doses greater than 10 mSv in 2016.
- Modify dosimetry by adding a lens-of-the-eye dosimeter.
Assuming 170 licensees may have at least 1 NEW who will require an eye dosimeter. 170 licensees x
$230 in shipping costs.
Provide dose information from dosimeter reading, 170 licensees each with 1 NEW – CNSC estimate |
Modify dosimetry by adding a lens-of-the-eye dosimeter, processing costs. Assuming 170 licensees
may have at least 1 NEW who will require an eye dosimeter. (Cost also is based on quarterly reading,
less than 10 dosimeters per licensee).
Review hazard assessments
Two submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
- Health physicist will take 910 hours and a radiation protection technician 7 hours to review
- Three weeks to write report (100 hours)
- $8400 for a vendor contract survey.
Deliver and receive training – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
Three submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
No additional cost for training, since change is minor and doesn’t add additional time to
- All workers will need incremental training:
Approximately 7,000 energy workers to receive training @ 12 minutes @ $60 per hour average over the
work force and 500 technical staff to receive training @ 12 minutes @ $70 per hour
Approximately 2,000 new workers to receive training @ 12 minutes @ $75 per hour average over the
work force and assuming new workers need the training
- 2300 workers given .4 hours training @ $62.50 per hour
Provide safety goggles – capital costs
Three submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
- Staff are already supplied with protective glasses; no additional costs
Estimated cost is $0 if we are able to use the glasses we have. Since a certain thickness is
required to block beta radiation, custom-made glasses may be needed. Assuming only 10% of the total
number of monitored workers (2,300/10 because of reusability). Unit cost varies depending on brand
and website, ranging from $7–$30. Conservatively choose $10
Other capital costs
Three submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
New dosimeters: $465,000. It is not yet known whether more accurate dosimeters will be required.
Greater accuracy may be required if MCR workers receive doses that are close to the lens-of-an-eye
dose limit. If required, dosimetry enhancements include: change to head TLD badge case (design ~
$10,000; cost per case $20 each plus $65 each for Extrad chip = $85 each x 2,100 badges = $180,000),
modification of equipment for readout ($75,000) and type test report ($200,000)
In-house beta-spectrometer development for proper characterization of hazards. Currently only beta
fields are well-defined.
- Survey instruments for the field, upfront costs
Based on dose data from the last 5 years, between 43 and 137 NEWs will require eye dosimeters. Two
possible implementation approaches: 1) Mandatory eye dosimeters required for open system work;
and/or when WB effective >=1.5 rem, and 2) Eye dosimeters are to be worn every time a head and
trunk pack is worn This is the more conservative approach, as it will capture everybody, but cost is
expected to be higher. Costs reflect this second option. An estimated 1,000 dosimeters will need to
be purchased.
Survey instruments: upfront purchase of 5 new survey meters at $2,500 each; modification of 10
meters at $20 each; annual calibration and maintenance of 15 meters at $125 each
- Survey instruments, annual calibration
Labour costs for dosimetry
Three submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
Additional processing time for HP techs: $65 per hour x 600 h (2,400 badges for lens of an eye and
approximately 0.25 h processing time for each)
Additional processing time for HP techs: $65 per hour x 600 h (2,400 badges for lens of an eye and
approximately 0.25 h processing time for each)
- Assuming 100 dosimeter packs are analysed each year, each taking .25 hours.
Revision of dosimetry service documentation
Two submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
5 weeks to revise documentation; labour includes health physics technician as well as health
physicist and management review – $65/h x 150 h
Assuming 40 hours needed to revise each procedure and approximately 12 procedures and 3 forms need
to be revised, plus other updates
Additional training related to dosimetry
Three submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
- Input training change request and support subject matter expert for training development
- Train 3 technicians, $65 per hour for 4 hours
Communications roll-out, preparing communications packages (40 hours), staff meetings (30 hours)
Modification of dosimetry software
Three submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
- RIS: vendor support ($120 per hour x 200 hours)
- Lab software changes – estimate
- RIS: HP support ($100 per hour x 200 hours)
- In-house (dosimetry lab) algorithm development $65,000 ($100 per hour x 650 hours)
One time cost includes: 2 persons working on the project for 8 weeks, 40 hours/week and $300 (rate
of a database administrator)
- On-going maintenance: 2 hours/week for 50 weeks and hourly rate of $62.50
Additional staff required during maintenance outages
One submission – nuclear power plant licensee’s estimate
Because new eye dose limits are more restrictive (down to 50 mSv from 100 mSv), the ECL
will have to be lowered to ensure dose limits are not exceeded. Only 7 workers have received beta
exposures between 15 and 20 mSv over the past 11 years. Since the lens of an eye dose is 1.3
times higher than the whole body dose, the proposed changes to the lens of an eye dose limit will
impact only 7 workers. It is unlikely that more than two workers per year will have dose levels
greater than 15 mSv. Replacement staff may be required during maintenance outages: 2 workers, 1
outage per year, 6 weeks x 60 at a rate of $62.50
Other costs
Two submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
Due diligence – request licence amendment, type test report, letters to the CNSC, respond to
dosimetry service licence only
- Third party testing: independent and performance testing fees from third party
- Potential cost for administrative issues (eye examinations, WSIB, etc.)
Continue to monitor dosimetry and modify as necessary – Direct compliance, labour
One submission – nuclear power plant licensee’s estimate
Manage eye dose, from in-processing, through field activities, to final dose – this excludes
dosimetry service lab technician
Continue to monitor dosimetry and modify as necessary – Further revision of dosimetry documentation and
Two submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
5 weeks to revise dosimetry documentation, $1,000 incremental cost (not specified), and revise 20
high-hazard (8 hours) and 30 low-hazard (6 hours) REPs
- Revise 20 high-hazard and 30 low-hazard REPS
Procedures for in-processing of workers, dose management, exposure control, etc., not lab
- Dosimetry training, 3 technicians, 4 hours at $65/hour
Continue to monitor dosimetry and modify as necessary – Other costs
Two submissions – nuclear power plant licensees’ estimates
- Modify IT software: changes to RIS and RDS, not lab software
- Due diligence – respond to CNSC inspections
Due diligence, workplace surveys – includes follow-up on lower-level notifications, assuming 25
hours per inspection, per month
This provision impacts all active licensees (1,570).