Frequently asked questions on the base and variable hours
Q1. How do you calculate the base and variable hours?
Base hours are the minimum amount of time required to conduct ongoing regulatory oversight for a specific licence type.
Variable hours are a calculation of hours based primarily on the number of locations operated by a licensee, along with the number of devices covered under the licence.
Q2. How are my licensing fees used?
The fees cover licensing and compliance activities that the CNSC carries out to ensure the safe conduct of licensee activities, including possession, use, transfer and storage of nuclear substances and radiation devices. Specific CNSC activities include:
- inspections and enforcement activities
- in-depth technical assessment of safety programs at licence renewal
- licence amendments
- response to unplanned events
Q3. When will the annual fee rate take effect?
The formula fees for the 2024-25 year take effect on April 1, 2024.
Q4. Are the fees the same for all licensees in each use type?
No. The exact fees differ for each licensee and depend on variables such as number of locations and number of devices/equipment.
Q5. Will the hours be adjusted next year?
The CNSC will not increase the hours associate with the formula fee for 2024-25. For the following year, the CNSC will review its level of effort needed to deliver on its regulatory activities and will make adjustments accordingly.
Q6. Do I have recourse if I don't agree with my fees?
You can consult the Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Fee Administration or the Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Regulatory Activity Assignments if you have any concerns.
Q7. Where can I get additional information on formula fees?
You can consult the CNSC Cost Recovery Fees Schedule 2024-25 (PDF, 27 pages, 735 KB).
You can also send an email to or contact the CNSC at 1-888-229-2672.
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