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Events Reporting: Nuclear Power Plants

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Bruce Power 

Ontario Power Generation 

NB Power 

Date of event: Week of June 3, 2024 

During the week of June 3, 2024, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) identified that detectable neutron radiation was present around some of the retube waste containers from refurbishment activities. This hazard was not anticipated, and it follows that some exposures may have occurred at any facility that has undergone refurbishment.  

On June 13, 2024, CNSC staff issued a written request pursuant to subsection 12(2) of the General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations to nuclear power plant licensees to determine the source of this hazard, to ensure that adequate controls are established to protect workers, and to perform retroactive dose assessments.     


Ontario Power Generation

Date of event: November 17, 2023

Darlington Nuclear Generating Station

In August 2023, CNSC staff identified several concerns with the condition and availability of the public address (PA) system in large areas of the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station (NGS). Further analysis has determined that the licensee has known about and has been documenting the condition of the PA system as far back as 2011. On October 12, 2023, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) declared the PA system to be impaired, and CNSC staff initiated further regulatory actions later that month. Given the ongoing concerns around the effectiveness of the compensatory measures implemented by OPG, CNSC staff have issued a request pursuant to Subsection 12(2) of the General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations in order to ensure the expedited replacement/upgrade of the PA system at the Darlington NGS.

Regulatory Action OPG

Bruce Power

Date of event: February 2, 2023

Bruce Power Nuclear Generating Station

CNSC staff were informed by Bruce Power of an event where low-level radioactive waste (tritium-contaminated charcoal filters) was shipped to a conventional waste processing facility, processed and dispositioned to a landfill intended for non-radiological waste.

Preliminary findings provided by Bruce Power show that there is no safety risk to the public and the environment. In accordance with CNSC regulatory requirements, Bruce Power reported this event to the CNSC, and also notified staff at the processing facility and the non-radiological waste facility. Bruce Power has already taken corrective action to ensure that this does not happen again; for verification of waste characterization by a health physicist as part of its processes. Bruce Power continues to conduct an investigation into the cause of this event. CNSC staff are reviewing Bruce Power’s initial event report.

They will also conduct reactive compliance activities to verify Bruce Power’s processes for the packaging and shipment of wastes from the Bruce Power site and to confirm that the corrective actions are appropriate. CNSC staff will also report to the Commission on this event through the event initial reporting process.


NB Power

Date of event: December 14, 2022

Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station

CNSC staff were informed by New Brunswick (NB) Power that the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station had experienced a partial loss of power to the plant and a leak on a small instrumentation line in the heat transport system.

NB Power’s emergency organization was activated to respond to the incident, and the CNSC’s Emergency Operations Centre was partially activated to monitor the response. CNSC inspectors were onsite and confirmed that the station was safely shut down.

NB Power restored power to the plant and stopped the leak.

There were no adverse impacts on the protection of the public, employees or the environment.

Bruce Power

Date of event: January 19, 2022

Bruce Power Nuclear Generating Station

We were informed by Bruce Power that Unit 1 was taken offline due to a moderator spill into the powerhouse. A radiation alert was declared to isolate the area of the spill and conduct personnel accounting.

Our staff continue to monitor the situation and will provide updates as more information becomes available.

There are no injuries to plant personnel and no impact on the protection of the public or environment.

Unit 1 is presently shut down and in a safe state. Given that the unit was recently refurbished, there is no requirement to seek approval from the Commission to restart once the issue is resolved.


NB Power

Date of event: December 3, 2021

Point Lepreau Generating Station

We were informed by NB Power of a truck making contact with a power line resulting in a small fire and local power outage.

As a precautionary measure the ambulance and local fire response services are on site. There is no impact on the safe operations of the facility.

Bruce Power

Date of event: July 5, 2021

We were informed by Bruce Power that some pressure tube inspections of its reactor Units 3 and 6 that are currently shut down are indicating higher measurements of hydrogen equivalent (Heq) than predicted, exceeding the limits set out in the power reactor operating licence conditions.

The reactors with the higher hydrogen content in pressure tubes continue to be safely shut down for refurbishment and maintenance outages and do not pose a safety concern to the public or environment. Hydrogen content is not a concern when reactors are shut down or when they have reached operating temperature.

Since hydrogen content can only be measured while the units are shut down, CNSC staff have directed Bruce Power to assess the fitness for service of its other operating reactors and issued formal notices to all nuclear power plant licensees in Canada requiring timely review and reporting on the continued safe operation of pressure tubes.

Memo to the Commission

Regulatory Action Bruce Power

Regulatory Action NB Power

Regulatory Action Ontario Power Generation

Visit Bruce Power's website for more information.


We were informed by Bruce Power that an additional inspection of a pressure tube from Unit 6, currently shut down for main component replacement, is indicating higher measurements of hydrogen equivalent (Heq) at the inlet end of the pressure tube, exceeding the limits set out in the power reactor operating licence conditions.

Bruce Power is assessing the impact of this finding on modelling of Heq on the in-service reactors.

Ontario Power Generation

Date of event: March 20, 2021

Darlington Nuclear Generating Station

On March 20, 2021, the CNSC was informed of a heat transport system coolant leak through a fuel channel closure plug on Unit 1 at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. Unit 1 was not in operation at the time. OPG staff successfully stopped the leak. There was no adverse impact on the safety of workers, the public or the environment. Unit 1 remains in a guaranteed shutdown state for a planned maintenance outage.

NB Power

Date of event: February 5, 2021

Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station

NB Power informed the CNSC of a fire that occurred on a pump motor at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station early in the morning on February 5, 2021. The onsite emergency response team safely put out the fire. CNSC staff continue to monitor the situation as NB Power completes an investigation. The station is safely shut down and there was no impact on the public, employees or the environment from the incident.


Ontario Power Generation

Date of event: October 2, 2020

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station

The CNSC was advised by Ontario Power Generation (OPG) of a suspicious package found in the parking lot at OPG’s Pickering Nuclear Visitor Centre.

The visitor centre is not onsite at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Therefore, the package was not near any equipment that could impact nuclear safety.

Durham Regional Police responded as a precautionary measure and declared the situation clear.

CNSC staff onsite monitored OPG’s response to the event and confirmed that appropriate actions were taken to protect the health and safety of workers, the public and the environment.

Hydro Quebec

Date of event: October 1, 2020

Gentilly-2 Nuclear Facility

The CNSC was informed of a non-toxic gas cylinder leak that occurred inside a laboratory on site at Gentilly-2, which is permanently shut down.

Emergency procedures were activated and followed accordingly.

Environmental monitoring inside and outside the building confirmed that there was no impact on workers or the environment.

Hydro-Quebec is conducting an investigation to determine the cause of the cylinder malfunction.

CNSC staff will monitor the situation and review the results when they become available.

Ontario Power Generation

Date of event: October 1, 2020

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station

The CNSC was informed that liquid emissions for gross beta/gamma for reactor service water exceeded the monthly emissions limit.

Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has determined that this is an isolated event not related to reactor operations.

There is no impact on workers, the public or the environment.

CNSC staff will review OPG’s assessment of this event in accordance with established processes.

Ontario Power Generation

Date of event: September 6, 2020

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station

On September 6, 2020, the CNSC was informed that a heavy water leak had been discovered coming from the heat transport system in Unit 1. This unit was set back and manually shut down to address the source of the leak. Initial indications are the leak was caused by a failed pressure gauge on a filter.

The leak was contained within the reactor building, and there were no expected releases to the environment. The water was safely cleaned up, and an investigation is underway. CNSC staff are monitoring the event.

There was no impact on the public or the environment as a result of this event.

Bruce Power

Date of event: March 28, 2020

Bruce Power Nuclear Generating Station

The CNSC was informed of a small heavy water spill that occurred Saturday, March 28, 2020 at the Bruce Power site. The power plant is stable and there is no risk to the workers, public or environment.

The water is being cleaned and an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the event.

CNSC staff are following up with Bruce Power and will review the cause and response once the investigation is complete.

Visit Bruce Power's website for more information.

Bruce Power

Date of event: January 30, 2020

Bruce Power Nuclear Generating Station

The CNSC was informed of a heavy water spill that occurred early on Thursday, January 30 at the Bruce Power site. The power plant is stable and there is no risk to the workers, public or environment.

The water is being cleaned up and an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the event.

CNSC staff are onsite monitoring the cleanup and the licensee’s response.

Visit Bruce Power’s website for more information.

Ontario Power Generation

Date of event: January 12, 2020

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station

The CNSC is aware of the provincial alert regarding the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station and confirms the alert was sent in error.

CNSC confirms there is no radiological event at the nuclear facility. Pickering Nuclear Generating Station continues to operate safely.

CNSC staff are monitoring and are in contact with the Provincial Emergency Operations Center and Ontario Power Generation.

For more information:


Bruce Power

Date of event: May 6, 2019

Bruce A Nuclear Generating Station

On May 6, 2019, the CNSC was informed that a small amount of water was discovered coming from the heat transport system in Unit 3 which is shut down for planned maintenance.

Employees were assembled away from the area to ensure a safe cleanup. The water was contained and an investigation is underway. The CNSC is on site and continues to monitor the cleanup activities.

There was no impact on the public or the environment as a result of this event.

Visit Bruce Power's website for more information.


Bruce Power

Date of event: December 6, 2018

Bruce B Nuclear Generating Station

On December 6, 2018, the CNSC was informed of a fire at the Bruce B Nuclear Generating Station. The fire started in an outdoor transformer for the Unit 8 reactor, which was shut down for a scheduled maintenance outage. The Bruce Power emergency response team was activated and emergency responders worked to suppress the fire. The fire has been extinguished and there is no impact on the public. CNSC inspectors are onsite monitoring, and the Ministry of Environment was notified. There is continuous monitoring for impacts to the environment, and remediation activities are underway. There was no impact on nuclear systems and there were no radiological releases as a result of the fire.

Visit Bruce Power's website for more information on this event.

New Brunswick Power (NB Power)

Date of event: November 5, 2018

Point Lepreau Generating Station, New Brunswick

The CNSC was informed by NB Power that the reactor building at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station was proactively evacuated due to a small increase in tritium levels. Qualified staff cleaned up a small amount of water, and employees were able to return to the reactor building. There was no safety impact to the employees, public or environment.

Bruce Power

Date of event: October 15, 2018

Bruce B Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed by Bruce Power that an employee received an electrical shock on Monday, October 15, 2018 while performing welding work during Unit 8 outage activities. The Ministry of Labour was notified and CNSC staff will participate in the Ministry’s investigation into the cause of the incident.

Visit Bruce Power's website for more information on about this event.

Ontario Power Generation

Date of event: August 30, 2018

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed by Ontario Power Generation (OPG) of a loss of Class IV electrical power in the Unit 8 reactor the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. All systems responded as designed, and Unit 8 is currently in maintenance outage. There was no impact on the safety of workers, the public or the environment.

Visit OPG's website for more information.

Date of event: August 4, 2018

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed by Ontario Power Generation (OPG) of a partial loss of Class IV electrical power in the Unit 4 reactor the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. All systems responded as designed, and Unit 4 is currently in maintenance outage. There was no impact on the safety of workers, the public or the environment.

Visit Ontario Power Generations website for more information.

Ontario Power Generation

Date of event: July 22, 2018

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed by Ontario Power Generation that four reactor units at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station were safely shut down by station staff when significant amounts of algae clogged cooling water intakes. All four units are in safe shutdown state and are expected to be returned to service over the next few days.

Pickering units 1 and 4 are operating at or near full power.

There was no impact on the safety of the public, employees or the environment.

Visit Ontario Power Generations website for more information.

Ontario Power Generation

Date of event: June 22, 2018

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed by Ontario Power Generation, in accordance with its licence conditions, of an issue with a digital control computer, resulting in reactor Unit 4 being safely shut down. This shutdown occurred while it was returning to power following a maintenance outage.

The unit is in a safe and stable state and there is no impact to worker or public safety, or the environment.

CNSC inspectors are onsite and monitoring.

Visit Ontario Power Generation for more information on this event.

Ontario Power Generation

Date of event: February 2, 2018

Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

On February 2, 2018 the CNSC was informed of the presence of smoke while work was being performed on a transformer at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station.

To ensure safety, the building was evacuated while the Darlington emergency response team and the local fire department responded. Work resumed shortly after.

There was no report of impact to personnel, the public or the environment.

Visit Ontario Power Generation for more information on this event.


New Brunswick Power (NB Power)

Date of event: August 4, 2017

Point Lepreau Generating Station, New Brunswick

The CNSC was informed by NB Power that the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station (PLNGS) is temporarily offline due to an equipment issue. CNSC staff are onsite and monitoring the situation. There are no safety concerns for members of the public or workers, and no risk to the environment.

Update: The Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station was returned to service and reconnected to the grid on August 8, 2017.

Visit NB Power's website for more information.

Bruce Power

Date of event: August 2, 2017

Bruce A Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

Update on Bruce Power event

The August 2, 2017 leak at the Bruce A Nuclear Generating Station involving the failure of primary heat transport pump seals has been stopped and the water recovered into drums. Onsite CNSC inspectors continue to provide regulatory oversight to determine the cause of the event. There were no detectable releases of radionuclides from the facility. The event did not require a report to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC), but it will be reported at the public Commission meeting on August 16, 2017 as part of the Power Reactor Status Report. Unit 3 remains shut down as part of a planned maintenance outage.

Bruce A Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed by Bruce Power, in accordance with its licence conditions, of a failure of the primary heat transport pump seals on a pump in Unit 3 at the Bruce A Nuclear Generating Station. This resulted in a release of tritiated water. The release was contained to the building, and cleanup is in progress. There are no safety concerns for members of the public or workers, and no releases above regulatory limits to the environment are anticipated. CNSC inspectors are onsite and investigating.

Visit Bruce Power’s website for more information on this event.

Bruce Power

Date of event: March 26, 2017

Bruce B Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

Sunday, March 26, 2017 an electrical worker on the non-radiological side of the station received an electrical shock and was taken to hospital. The worker remains in stable condition. All electrical work was stopped until further investigation of the incident was completed.

The worker was performing maintenance on a circuit breaker in Unit 5. The engineering barrier, in place to protect workers from electrical voltage, failed to operate resulting in the worker injury.

The Ministry of Labour was notified and Bruce Power is conducting its own investigation to fully understand what happened and how to prevent similar incidents in the future.

There is no impact to the health and safety of the public or the environment due to this event.

Update: The investigation to the worker injury of March 26, 2017 is ongoing. The details of the cause have yet to be determined. CNSC staff will provide an update at the next Commission meeting in April, 2017.

Visit Bruce Power’s website for more information on this event.

Ontario Power Generation (OPG)

Date of event: February 10, 2017

Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed by OPG that a motor sent to a third-party company for repair contained a small amount of tritiated water and surface radiation contamination. The contamination was cleaned up by OPG and the motor was returned to Darlington. Preliminary results indicate negligible impact to workers, the public and the environment. CNSC staff are monitoring OPG’s investigation of this event and corrective actions. This event will be discussed at a public Commission meeting on March 8, 2017.

Visit Ontario Power Generation’s website for more information.


New Brunswick Power (NB Power)

Date of event: October 6, 2016

Point Lepreau Generating Station, New Brunswick

The CNSC was informed by NB Power that the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station (PLNGS) was temporarily taken offline due to a configuration issue on the system that provides water to the station's steam generators. The issue has been corrected, and the unit is in the process of being returned to service.

The CNSC has onsite inspectors monitoring PLNGS's response to the event. CNSC staff are reviewing PLNGS's initial reports and corrective actions taken. This event will be discussed at an upcoming public Commission meeting.

There are no safety concerns for members of the public or workers.

Visit NB Power's website for more information.

Ontario Power Generation (OPG)

Date of event: August 10, 2016

Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed by OPG that a sub-contractor at the Darlington station received a minor electrical shock from the welding equipment being used by the worker on August 10. As a precaution, the worker was transported to a nearby hospital but returned for work the next day, with no restrictions. Visit OPG's website for more information.

Ontario Power Generation (OPG)

Date of event: August 1, 2016

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed that there was a leak of approximately 8 litres of oil from a breathing air compressor into a station floor drain. Operators have safely shut down the compressor and initiated clean up. This spill required reporting to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.
There was no impact to the health and safety of employees or the public, and there was no impact on the environment. CNSC staff are reviewing OPG's initial reports and corrective actions taken. This event will be discussed at an upcoming public Commission meeting.

Visit Ontario Power Generation's website for more information on this event.

Ontario Power Generation (OPG)

Date of event: July 6, 2016

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed by OPG, in accordance with its licence conditions, that there was a contained leak of liquid hydrazine within the turbine building. There was no impact to the health and safety of employees or the public and there was no impact on the environment. CNSC staff are reviewing OPG's initial reports and corrective actions taken. This event will be discussed at an upcoming public Commission meeting.

Visit OPG's website for more information on this event.

New Brunswick Power (NB Power)

Date of event: February 25, 2016

Point Lepreau Generating Station, New Brunswick

The CNSC was informed on February 25, 2016 of a fire alarm at the Point Lepreau Generating Station (PLGS) triggered by a lightning strike near a service building. PLGS is currently operating at 100 percent power in a safe and steady state. CNSC inspectors are onsite and monitoring PLGS's response to the event.
There are no safety concerns for members of the public or workers.

As per CNSC's requirements for public disclosure, NB Power has posted information about this event.

Visit NB Power's website for more information.

Bruce Power

Date of event: February 12, 2016

Bruce B Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed by Bruce Power, in accordance with its licence conditions, that an employee was injured outside the Bruce B Nuclear Generating Station. The employee received first aid from Bruce Power emergency staff and was transported by ambulance to a local hospital for treatment for his injury.

Visit Bruce Power's website for more information on this event.

Bruce Power

Date of event: February 1, 2016

Bruce B Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was informed by Bruce Power, in accordance with its licence conditions, that a worker was injured at the Bruce B Nuclear Generating Station. The individual was performing work as part of the Unit 8 planned maintenance outage when the injury occurred. This event occurred in the Turbine Hall, which is located in a non-radiological area of the station. There is no impact to the health and safety of the public or the environment due to this event. CNSC staff are reviewing Bruce Power's initial reports and corrective actions taken. This event will be discussed at an upcoming public Commission meeting.

Visit Bruce Power's website for more information on this event.


Bruce Power

Date of event: October 23, 2015

Bruce A Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

On Friday, October 23, 2015, Bruce Power informed the CNSC that staff access to Bruce A was limited in order to monitor and manage a small amount of moderator water on the floor within the station. Staff responded by monitoring and cleaning up the small amount of water, while appropriately minimizing access to the area. There was no impact on the safety of the public, employees or the environment.

Visit Bruce Power's website for more information on this event.

Bruce Power

Date of event: October 1 and 2, 2015

Bruce A and B Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

Bruce Power informed the CNSC that Units 3 and 8 were temporarily removed from service for maintenance repairs. Both shutdowns were conducted in a controlled manner, and there was no impact on the safety of the public, employees or the environment. Unit 4 is currently undergoing a planned maintenance outage. As per CNSC's requirements for public disclosure, Bruce Power has posted information regarding these events.

Visit Bruce Power's website for more information.

Ontario Power Generating (OPG)

Date of event: September 28, 2015

Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was notified by OPG that smoke, caused by an electrical short on the conventional side of the Darlington Nuclear station, activated the fire alarm system. Staff responded and resolved the electrical issue. There was no impact on the safety of the public, employees or the environment. Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 were in a planned station maintenance outage during the incident. In accordance with the CNSC's requirements for public disclosure,
OPG has posted information about this event. 

Visit OPG's special interest station updates page for more information.

New Brunswick Power (NB Power)

Date of event: September 24, 2015

Point Lepreau Generating Station, New Brunswick

The CNSC was notified by NB Power that its Point Lepreau Generating Station is temporarily offline to facilitate repairs on one of the station's stand-by safety systems. This work has no impact on nuclear safety. As per CNSC's requirements for public disclosure, NB Power has posted information about this event.  

Visit NB Power's website for more information.

Ontario Power Generating (OPG)

Date of event: September 16, 2015

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

The CNSC was notified by OPG that Unit 4 at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station was brought off-line for a forced outage after experiencing a failure in the turbine governor valve trip circuit. There was no threat to the safety of the public, employees or the environment and no radioactive systems are located in this area of the station.  As per CNSC's requirements for public disclosure, OPG has posted information about this event. 

Visit OPG's special interest station updates page for more information.

New Brunswick Power (NB Power)

Date of event: May 28, 2015

Point Lepreau Generating Station, New Brunswick

On Thursday, May 28, 2015, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) was notified by NB Power that its Point Lepreau Generating Station is temporarily offline to facilitate testing and analysis of the turbine system. This work has no impact on nuclear safety. As per CNSC's requirements for public disclosure, NB Power has posted information about this event.  

Visit NB Power's website for more information.

Ontario Power Generating (OPG)

Date of event: April 14, 2015

Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

OPG reported a leak of heavy water during planned maintenance activities on Unit 2 at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. The unit was safely shut down, and the heavy water was contained and recovered. There was no impact on the environment or the public.

Visit OPG's special interest station updates page for more information.


Date of event: April 14, 2015

Gentilly-2 Nuclear Generating Station

On Monday, April 14, 2015, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) was notified by Hydro-Québec that water had accumulated on the access road leading to the Gentilly-2 nuclear generating station (NGS). This accumulation was caused by an ice dam on the Gentilly River located nearby. There is no impact to the NGS, and the water is slowly receding.

Visit Hydro-Québec's website for more information on this event.

New Brunswick Power (NB Power)

Date of event: March 18, 2015

Point Lepreau Generating Station, New Brunswick

On Wednesday, March 18, 2015, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) was notified by NB Power that its Point Lepreau Generating Station will be shut down for approximately two weeks. The temporary shutdown is to perform repairs to a fueling machine. This maintenance work, which has no impact on nuclear safety, will be discussed at the next public Commission meeting on March 25, 2015. As per CNSC's requirements for public disclosure, NB Power has posted information about this event.

Visit NB Power's website for more information.

Ontario Power Generation (OPG)

Date of event: January 30, 2015

Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, Ontario

OPG reported that a worker was injured at its Darlington Nuclear Generating Station.

Visit OPG's special interest station updates page more information.

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