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Document History of RD/GD-369, Licence Application Guide: Licence to Construct a Nuclear Power Plant

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Published August 2011.

Document history

Document description

GD-369 describes the structure and content for a nuclear power plant construction licence application. This document applies to applications for a licence to construct a water-cooled nuclear power plant.

GD-369 closely follows the format of the IAEA Safety Guide No. GS-G-4.1, Format and Content of the Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Power Plants, but it is more specific to the Canadian context.

In following GD-369, applicants can submit the appropriate information to demonstrate that they are qualified, and will make adequate and reasonable provisions to undertake the activity to be licensed, pursuant to subsection 24(4) of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act and associated regulations.

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Contact information

For questions and information related to draft RD/GD-369, Licence Application Guide: Licence to Construct a Nuclear Power Plant, please contact:

Directorate of Regulatory Improvement and Major Projects Management

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
280 Slater St
PO Box 1046 Stn B
Ottawa ON  K1P 5S9

Telephone: 1-800-668-5284 (Canada only)
Fax: 613-995-5086

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