REGDOC-3.5.4, Pre-Licensing Review of a Vendor's Reactor Design
Regulatory document REGDOC-3.5.4, Pre-Licensing Review of a Vendor’s Reactor Design, describes the pre-licensing review process provided by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) for assessing a vendor’s reactor design. The review considers the areas of design that relate to reactor safety, security and safeguards.
A pre-licensing review is an optional service provided by the CNSC. The review can be undertaken by a reactor vendor prior to an applicant’s submission of a licence application to the CNSC.
This review can provide early identification and resolution of potential regulatory or technical issues in the design process, particularly those that could result in significant changes to the design or safety analysis. The objective of a pre-licensing review is to increase regulatory certainty while ensuring public safety.
This service does not certify a reactor design, and does not involve the issuance of a licence under the Nuclear Safety and Control Act. It is not required as part of the licensing process for a new nuclear reactor facility. The conclusions of a design review do not bind or otherwise influence decisions made by the Commission, with whom the authority resides to issue licences for nuclear reactor facilities.
REGDOC-3.5.4, Pre-Licensing Review of a Vendor’s Reactor Design, provides guidance information only. No requirements are articulated in this document. In this document, "should" is used to express guidance. "May" is used to express an option, or that which is permissible within the limits of this regulatory document. "Can" is used to express possibility or capability.
Note: In 2013, the CNSC adopted a revised regulatory framework structure with a new system for naming and numbering regulatory documents. This document has been published as part of the CNSC’s initiative to bring regulatory documents that were published before the current framework was adopted into the new system. The requirements and guidance in this document have not changed.
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Vendor Design Review
- 3. What is a fundamental barrier to licensing?
- 4. Objectives and Scope of a Vendor Design Review
- Appendix A: Focus Review Areas
- Glossary
- References
1. Introduction
Paragraph 21(1)(a) of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA) gives the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) the authority to: "enter into arrangements, including an arrangement to provide training, with any person, any department or agency of the Government of Canada or of a province, any regulatory agency or department of a foreign government or any international agency" in order to attain its objectives.
At the request of a vendor, and by entering into a service agreement, the CNSC will undertake a pre-licensing review of a vendor’s reactor design. The terms "reactor" and "reactor design" include all structures, systems and components, as well as vendor design processes and supporting evidence necessary to demonstrate that the non-site specific design is meeting CNSC expectations for design and safety analysis.
The review does not certify a reactor design, and does not involve the issuance of a licence under the NSCA. It is not required as part of the licensing process for a new reactor facility. The conclusions of a design review do not bind or otherwise influence decisions made by the Commission, with whom the authority resides to issue licences for nuclear reactor facilities.
Much of the detailed information resulting from the design review – including the vendor’s submissions of documentation – may be considered commercially confidential, as per the terms of the service agreement. The public will be informed of the high-level outcomes of the review work by the posting of an executive summary of each review report on the CNSC website.
1.1 Purpose and scope
This document describes the pre-licensing review process provided by the CNSC for assessing a vendor’s reactor design. The review considers the areas of design that relate to reactor safety, security and safeguards.
1.2 What is a pre-licensing review?
A pre-licensing review, commonly referred to as a vendor design review, is an optional service that the CNSC provides for the assessment of a vendor’s reactor design. The primary purpose of a vendor design review is to provide feedback to the vendor about how it is addressing Canadian regulatory requirements and CNSC expectations in its design and design activities. The CNSC enters into a service agreement with the vendor that is based on a fixed scope of work.
This review provides the early identification and resolution of potential regulatory or technical issues in the design process, particularly those that could result in significant changes to the design or safety case. The CNSC conducts more detailed reviews of the design and safety case at the time of an application for a licence to construct and an application for a licence to operate.
The following figure illustrates the level of design completion that is necessary to support a vendor design review versus the level of design completion that is necessary to support an application for a licence to construct, or a licence to operate a new reactor facility. The licence to prepare site phase is not shown in the diagram because the applicant for a licence to prepare site determines the level of design information required to determine site suitability.
A vendor design review evaluates if:
- the vendor understands Canadian regulatory requirements and expectations
- the design is being developed to comply with the following, as applicable: CNSC regulatory documents REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants [1], or RD-367, Design of Small Reactor Facilities [2], and applicable regulatory documents and national standards
- a resolution plan exists for any design issues identified in the review
A review considers technical aspects, and does not include considerations such as:
- design costs
- state of completion of the design
- scheduling factors relative to the review of a licence application
- design changes that could be required as a result of future findings
A vendor design review can begin once a vendor has, at a minimum, made reasonable progress in the basic engineering phase of the design. As per figure 1, this means that the basic architecture of systems important to safety has been laid out following the vendor’s reactor design guides and design requirements. The following documents should be approaching a state of completion, such that the vendor is ready to proceed with the detailed design phase in preparation for a utility’s submission of a construction licence application:
- Design guides that contain design philosophies, safety philosophies and rules that designers must follow when performing their design work, including safety requirements such as applicable codes and standards
- Design requirements for systems important to safety that establish such aspects as:
- minimum performance requirements and reliability targets
- reflect significant progress made in any safety-related research and development
- The vendor’s overall management system as it applies to the design of structures, systems and components
- Design and safety analysis representative of a preliminary safety analysis report
1.3 Benefits of a vendor design review
The reports that are prepared during a vendor design review provide a significant amount of information that is of benefit to the vendor, applicant and the general public.
1.3.1 Benefits to the vendor
The review provides the vendor with information that can be used when holding discussions with a potential applicant who is considering the vendor’s technology.
A vendor design review can provide further assurance that, along with information contained in RD/GD-369, Licence Application Guide – Licence to Construct a Nuclear Power Plant [3], the vendor has the necessary data to support an applicant in a future application to construct an NPP. For small reactor facilities, most of the information contained in RD/GD-369 is applicable, but may be applied in a graded manner. The depth and breadth of information required in support of an application will depend on the risk and complexity of the facility.
When an applicant approaches the CNSC for a licence, the applicant will be required to demonstrate the adequacy of the design and its associated safety case against Canadian regulatory requirements and CNSC expectations. Preparing submissions for each phase of the vendor design review allows the vendor to plan and prepare for effective discussions with potential applicants who are considering the use of the vendor’s reactor technology.
The vendor design review gives the vendor early feedback on the use of new or novel design features and approaches. These may be new materials for structures, systems and components, or engineering standards and methodologies that may not have been previously employed in Canada.
The review also offers the vendor early notification of potential fundamental barriers to licensing. Within the review process, the vendor is able to identify resolution paths for any issues before an applicant seeks to obtain a licence to construct or licence to operate. By being aware of such resolution paths, both the vendor and the applicant can have reasonable confidence that the issue can be resolved in a reasonable timeframe, in order to keep within the expected licensing schedule.
A vendor design review contributes to regulatory certainty by:
- providing clear and early feedback to the vendor on Canadian regulatory requirements and how well the design meets these requirements
- identifying potential licensing and technical (safety) issues early on, thereby providing the vendor time to resolve issues before they become barriers to licensing; this is particularly important for issues that could result in significant changes to the design or safety analysis
- enabling CNSC staff to become familiar with the design prior to the receipt of a licence application, thereby reducing the amount of time needed to assess the design during the review of the applications for the licences to construct and operate
1.3.2 Benefits to the applicant
The CNSC encourages potential applicants to have early and ongoing dialogue with vendors to discuss and resolve potential regulatory issues when considering technologies for proposed nuclear reactor facilities.
Vendor design reviews allow the regulator to become informed of the design, thus facilitating future licence application reviews. The resultant review information obtained throughout the review phases may add significantly to the understanding of both the technology and any of its associated issues that need to be resolved prior to, and during, the licensing process.
The CNSC expects a future applicant to be highly familiar with the technology it will eventually purchase for a proposed nuclear reactor facility – that is, to be a "smart buyer". Under the NSCA, the applicant is ultimately accountable for licensed activities, and will be required to demonstrate the adequacy of the design and its associated safety case against Canadian regulatory requirements and CNSC expectations. Potential applicants are encouraged to speak with vendors early on in the licensing process to discuss and resolve potential regulatory issues.
1.3.3 Benefits to the public
The vendor design review provides the public with a measure of early assurance that a new reactor technology being proposed for construction and operation in Canada will meet Canadian regulatory requirements.
By performing an early review of key aspects of a reactor design and the vendor’s organization, the public can be assured that:
- the vendor understands Canadian regulatory requirements and CNSC expectations
- the design will meet the requirements contained in CNSC regulatory documents REGDOC 2.5.2 or RD 367 (as applicable to the proposal) and related regulatory documents and standards
- the vendor is actively seeking the resolution of any design issues identified in the review
These three assurances increase the level of regulatory certainty and contribute to public safety.
1.4 CNSC use of information from other nuclear regulatory jurisdictions
If a vendor has had its reactor design either reviewed or certified by a nuclear regulator from another country and, as a result, has accumulated a certain amount of regulatory feedback, the CNSC would consider such material in the vendor design review, under the following conditions:
- The vendor would be responsible for obtaining and providing the reviewed or certified information to the CNSC, as part of the design review submittals.
- The vendor would explain how that information demonstrates that the design will meet Canadian requirements.
- The CNSC would conduct its own assessment in light of its regulatory framework
- The CNSC would use the information submitted to the extent that the information is compatible with the CNSC review process.
2. Vendor Design Review
The vendor design review is divided into three phases, each requiring increasingly detailed technical information.
Phase 1 review – Intent to comply with regulatory requirements: CNSC staff assess the information submitted in support of the vendor’s design and determine if, at a general level, the vendor design and design processes are demonstrating implementation of CNSC design requirements (for new nuclear power plants as specified in REGDOC-2.5.2, and for small reactor facilities in RD-367), and related regulatory requirements.
Phase 2 review – Pre-licensing assessment: This phase goes into further detail, with a focus on identifying if any potential fundamental barriers to licensing exist or are emerging with respect to the reactor’s design.
Phase 3 review – Pre-construction follow-up: In this phase, the vendor can choose to follow up on one or more focus areas covered in phases 1 and 2 against CNSC requirements pertaining to a licence to construct. For those areas, the vendor’s anticipated goal is to avoid a detailed revisit by the CNSC during the review of the construction licence application.
Phase 1 and 2 reviews have 19 review focus areas, which represent key areas of importance for a future construction licence. The Phase 3 review is tailored on a case by case basis. See appendix A for detailed information on the review focus areas.
3. What is a fundamental barrier to licensing?
When reviewing a vendor’s reactor design, CNSC staff assess aspects of the design related to safety, security and safeguards, in order to identify potential issues with respect to licensing and technical requirements. Areas that fail to comply with Canadian regulatory requirements or to address CNSC design expectations for new reactor facilities are identified. If not corrected, the issues could become fundamental barriers to licensing.
A fundamental barrier is a shortcoming in the design or the design process that, if not corrected, could have the potential for significant risk to the public, workers or the environment. The barrier is considered fundamental when there is no clear and adequate path to resolution of a significant safety issue. A barrier would also be considered fundamental if there are significant uncertainties associated with the proposed resolution plan, or if the timeline is such that the issue may not be resolved at the time an application for a licence to construct is submitted to the CNSC.
From a design perspective, the following aspects present barriers in the licensing process:
- Non-compliance with Canadian regulatory requirements
- Unjustified non-conformance with Canadian regulatory requirements, including those in the regulatory document REGDOC-2.5.2 or RD-367, and other applicable regulatory documents and national standards for design and analysis
- Unjustified non-compliance with design and safety analysis quality assurance standards and procedures
- A design that does not address known issues of safety significance (i.e., the design has not taken into account resolution of safety concerns from past regulatory reviews)
- A design that does not meet the "as low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA) principle
- Unproven engineering practices for new or innovative design features (i.e., not adequately supported by analysis, research and development, or both)
- A design introduces unacceptable operational complexity in order to meet operation compliance (i.e., to meet regulatory requirements, the system or technology would be so complicated as to introduce complexities that may cause other events due to human factors)
4. Objectives and Scope of a Vendor Design Review
4.1 Focus areas
Nineteen focus areas are reviewed during phases 1 and 2 of a design review and include topics of significant safety importance to a design so that any identified issues can be addressed by the vendor early in the design process. The vendor may propose additional focus areas that are specific to the reactor design.
The 19 focus areas are:
- General plant description, defence in depth, safety goals and objectives, dose acceptance criteria
- Classification of structures systems, and components
- Reactor core nuclear design
- Fuel design and qualification
- Control system and facilities:
- Main control systems
- Instrumentation and control
- Control facilities
- Emergency power system(s)
- Means of reactor shutdown
- Emergency core cooling and emergency heat removal systems
- Containment/confinement and safety-important civil structures
- Beyond-design-basis accidents (BDBAs) and severe accidents (SA) prevention and mitigation
- Safety analysis (deterministic safety analysis, probabilistic safety analysis) and internal and external hazards
- Pressure boundary design
- Fire protection
- Radiation protection
- Out-of-core criticality
- Robustness, safeguards and security
- Vendor research and development program
- Management system of design process and quality assurance in design and safety analysis
- Human factors
- Incorporation of decommissioning in design considerations
Appendix A provides a description of the objectives and scope for each focus area.
4.2 Phase 1 of the vendor design review
A vendor can initiate a Phase 1 review once the conceptual design is complete and the basic engineering program is either at an advanced stage or completed, since high-level design information would be required in support of the review.
As part of Phase 1, CNSC staff review the submitted documentation against key areas of either regulatory document REGDOC-2.5.2 or RD-367 (whichever is applicable to the reactor design proposed by the vendor), along with any other related regulatory requirements. This review is conducted to assess if the vendor design and design processes demonstrate that Canadian regulatory requirements and expectations for design and safety analysis are being implemented.
The vendor is expected to demonstrate that the design intent meets the requirements of REGDOC-2.5.2 or RD-367 and related regulatory requirements, through the description of intended programs.
4.2.1 Phase 1 focus areas and information required from the vendor
For each of the focus areas, the following information is required to demonstrate that the design meets the Phase 1 objectives:
- Demonstration of compliance with relevant sections of REGDOC-2.5.2, or RD-367, and related regulatory requirements
- Safety analysis at a sufficient level to demonstrate the adequacy of the design concepts
- Design information, such as design guides, design requirements, design descriptions and design manuals
- Information in support of new or novel designs or approaches, when used
- Path forward for resolving any outstanding safety issues, including research and development efforts
4.2.2 Review criteria
For each of the review focus areas, the submissions are assessed using the requirements and expectations relevant to the individual review focus area, including:
- Nuclear Safety and Control Act
- CNSC regulations:
- General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations
- Class I Nuclear Facilities Regulations
- Radiation Protection Regulations
- Nuclear Security Regulations
- CNSC regulatory documents:
- REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants
- RD-367, Design of Small Reactors
- REGDOC-2.4.1, Deterministic Safety Analysis
- REGDOC-2.4.2, Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Nuclear Power Plants
- G-129, Keeping Radiation Exposures and Doses "As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)"
- REGDOC-2.3.2, Accident Management, Version 2
- G-219, Decommissioning Planning for Licensed Activities
- CSA Group and other national standards:
- CSA N285.0-08/N285.6 Series-08, General requirements for pressure-retaining systems and components in CANDU nuclear power plants / Material Standards for reactor components for CANDU nuclear power plants
- CSA N287.1 14 (2014), General requirements for concrete containment structures for nuclear power plants
- CSA N293-12, Fire protection for nuclear power plants
- CSA N286 12, Management system requirements for nuclear facilities
- CSA N289.1, General requirements for seismic design and qualification of CANDU nuclear power plants
- NBCC 53301S, The National Building Code of Canada
- NBCC 47667, The National Fire Code of Canada
The vendor may propose the use of alternate codes and standards; however, it must provide information that outlines the basis of how the alternate standards are broadly equivalent to Canadian codes and standards. This gap analysis is integral to the vendor demonstrating its understanding of Canadian requirements.
Initial consideration is also given to the extent to which generic or outstanding safety issues have been resolved, and to whether the knowledge base for new or innovative features in the design has been established.
4.2.3 Project management information
Phase 1 activities are captured in an overall vendor design review project plan, which falls under the service agreement.
A Phase 1 vendor design review typically takes eight months to one year to complete, in a time frame agreed to by both the vendor and CNSC. The estimated effort for this review phase is approximately 5,000 hours; however, additional effort may be required depending on how well novel designs or approaches are supported, or if the vendor requests that additional review focus areas be covered in the service agreement.
4.2.4 Project deliverables
At the end of the review period, the CNSC will deliver a Phase 1 summary report to the vendor, containing findings for each review focus area and the bases for those findings.
For any focus areas where the review indicates the need for additional work by the vendor to demonstrate intent to meet the requirements of REGDOC-2.5.2 or RD-367, the CNSC will issue a statement identifying any gaps. The vendor is responsible for identifying how it will address any gaps.
The Phase 1 report is treated as commercially sensitive information, and is not made available to the public. However, as part of the Phase 1 report, the CNSC provides an executive summary, which is posted on its website, to communicate the high-level results of the review to the public and other stakeholders.
4.3 Phase 2 of the vendor design review
A vendor can initiate a Phase 2 review once the design’s basic engineering program is either well under way or completed. The results of a Phase 2 review assist the vendor’s development of a preliminary safety analysis report, as part of the preparations in support of an applicant for an eventual (site-specific) application for a licence to construct.
This phase focuses on identifying if any potential fundamental barriers to licensing exist or are emerging with respect to the reactor design. Phase 2 serves to give the CNSC a significant level of assurance that the vendor has taken into account CNSC design requirements. Consideration is also given to the extent to which generic or outstanding safety issues have been resolved. In addition, CNSC staff conduct an audit of the design process, to verify that it has been implemented correctly and in accordance with the vendor’s policies and procedures.
For the Phase 2 review, particular attention is paid to the review focus areas where there are new design features or approaches used in the design, to ensure that the vendor has performed or planned testing and analysis work to support the adequacy of the design.
In Phase 2 the vendor is also expected to provide follow-up information to demonstrate how it is resolving any issues identified during Phase 1.
4.3.1 Phase 2 focus areas and information required from the vendor
The Phase 2 review also uses the 19 review focus areas; however, more detailed information is required for each of the focus areas to demonstrate that the reactor design and supporting analyses meet the Phase 2 objectives, namely that the vendor’s design and safety activities are meeting Canadian requirements.
4.3.2 Review criteria
The review criteria used for Phase 2 remain the same as those used in Phase 1. However, this phase goes into further detail, with a focus on identifying if any potential fundamental barriers to licensing exist or are emerging with respect to the reactor design.
4.3.3 Project management information
Phase 2 activities are captured in an overall vendor design review project plan which falls under the service agreement.
A Phase 2 vendor design review typically takes 12 to 18 months to complete, along a time frame agreed to by both the vendor and CNSC. The estimated effort for the review is 9,500 hours, but additional effort may be required, depending on how well novel designs or approaches are supported, or if the vendor requests that additional topics be covered in the service agreement.
4.3.4 Project deliverables
At the end of the Phase 2 review period, the CNSC delivers a Phase 2 summary report to the vendor that contains findings for each review focus areas and the bases for those findings.
For any focus areas that require the vendor to perform additional work to demonstrate the design will meet CNSC design requirements, the CNSC will issue the following statement.
"This statement is subject to the successful completion of [name of vendor and reactor]’s planned activities, in particular related to: [list of review focus areas]"
The Phase 2 report is treated as commercially sensitive information, and is not made available to the public by the CNSC. However, the CNSC provides a Phase 2 report executive summary, which is posted on its website, to communicate the high-level results of the review to the public and other stakeholders.
4.4 Phase 3 of the vendor design review – Pre-construction follow-up
Phase 3 is initiated by a vendor who has already completed Phase 1 and 2. Phase 3 should not be initiated by a vendor until the design’s (non-site-specific) detailed engineering program is under way. This generally occurs when the vendor is supporting a licensee who is preparing an application for a licence to construct.
In this phase, the vendor may choose to follow up on one or more focus areas covered in Phase 1 and 2 against CNSC requirements pertaining to a licence to construct. The vendor may also seek to confirm whether more specific aspects of the design and related activities will meet the design and safety analysis criteria contained in:
- REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants, or RD 367, Design of Small Reactor Facilities, as applicable
- REGDOC-2.4.1, Deterministic Safety Analysis, as applicable
4.4.1 Focus areas and information required from the vendor
For Phase 3, the vendor supplies any additional information necessary for the follow-up discussions to proceed. This information, targeting specific focus areas, is agreed upon between both parties before Phase 3 work begins.
4.4.2 Review criteria
Phase 3 review criteria are found in CNSC documents REGDOC-2.5.2, RD-367 and REGDOC-2.4.1.
4.4.3 Project management information
Phase 3 activities are generally agreed upon by both parties at the end of Phase 2, and captured in an amendment to the overall vendor design review project plan. At this time, the service agreement is also amended to add the additional scope of work, timelines and budget.
Phase 3 vendor design reviews vary in scope and depth from vendor to vendor. The time frame for a Phase 3 review is tailored to the vendor on a case-by-case basis. The review goes into considerably more depth (in line with the level of review performed during a construction licence review) the vendor should be aware that Phase 3 review may be a multi-year exercise, with a cost commensurate with the scope and depth of review.
4.4.4 Project deliverables
At the end of the Phase 3 review period, the CNSC delivers a Phase 3 summary report to the vendor. The report contains either a summary of discussions or any additional findings for each focus area, along with the bases for those findings.
The Phase 3 report is treated as commercially sensitive information, and is not made available to the public. As part of the Phase 3 report, the CNSC provides an executive summary, which is posted on its website, to communicate the results to the public and other stakeholders.
Appendix A: Focus Review Areas
The following table describes the 19 review focus areas used in the assessment of a vendor’s reactor design. These focus areas are not all-inclusive of a full design review, but are representative of key areas of importance to a vendor in a future application to construct a nuclear reactor facility . The scope and objectives listed are identical for both Phase 1 and Phase 2; however, the Phase 2 review goes into considerably more depth, in order to confirm that the vendor is applying the design intent shown in Phase 1.
Focus area | Objectives and review scope |
1 General plant description, defence in depth, safety goals and objectives, dose acceptance criteria | Objectives
Review scope
2 Classification of structures systems, and components (SSCs) | Objectives
Review scope
3 Reactor core nuclear design | Objectives
Review scope
4 Fuel design and qualification | Objectives
Review scope
Focus area | Objectives and review scope |
5 Control system and facilities: a) main control systems b) instrumentation and control c) control facilities d) emergency power system(s) | Objectives
Review scope
6 Means of reactor shutdown | Objectives
Review scope
7 Emergency core cooling and emergency heat removal systems | Objectives
Review scope For emergency core cooling systems (ECC), a description of:
This review also examines codes and standards that the vendor proposes to use for the design of ECC systems. For emergency heat removal systems, a description of:
This review also examines codes and standards that the vendor proposes to use for the design of emergency heat removal systems |
Focus area | Objectives and review scope |
8 Containment /confinement and safety-important civil structures | Objectives
Review scope
9 Beyond design basis accidents (BDBAs) and severe accidents (SA) – prevention and mitigation | Objectives
Review scope
10 Safety analysis:
| Objectives
Review scope
Focus area | Objectives and review scope |
11 Pressure boundary design | Objectives
Review scope
12 Fire protection | Objectives
Review scope
13 Radiation protection | Objectives
Review scope
14 Out-of-core criticality | Objectives
Review scope
Focus area | Objectives and review scope |
15 Robustness, safeguards and security | Objectives
Review scope
16 Vendor research and development program | Objectives
Review scope
17 Management system of design process and quality assurance in design and safety analysis | Objectives
Review scope
18 Human factors | Objectives
Review scope
19 Incorporation of decommissioning in design considerations | Objectives
Review scope
A general description of amount of radioactive waste anticipated as a result of decommissioning including the mid-life refurbishment or planned replacement of major structures, systems and components during the reactor’s service life. |
Any unintended event (including operating errors, equipment failures or other mishaps), the consequences or potential consequences of which are not negligible from the point of view of protection or safety.
For the purposes of this document, accidents include design-basis accidents and beyond-design-basis accidents. Accidents exclude anticipated operational occurrences, which have negligible consequences from the perspective of protection or safety.
accident conditions
Deviations from normal operations more severe than anticipated operational occurrences, including design-basis accidents and beyond-design-basis accidents.
accident management
The taking of a set of actions during the evolution of a beyond-design-basis accident to:
- prevent the escalation of the event into a severe accident
- mitigate the consequences of a severe accident
- achieve a long term safe stable state
As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) – social and economic factors taken into account
A fundamental principle of radiation protection whereby the protective measures implemented to minimize radiation exposure are optimized with respect to the level of risk reduction and the cost of implementation.
Beyond-design-basis accident (BDBA)
Accident conditions less frequent and more severe than a design-basis accident. A BDBA may or may not involve core degradation.
In context of a review of a vendor’s reactor design, the overall planning and philosophies that go into ensuring that every aspect of the physical design will consider safety, security and safeguards under all scenarios it may encounter during its lifecycle.
design-basis accident
Accident conditions for which a reactor facility is designed according to established design criteria, and for which damage to the fuel and the release of radioactive material are kept within regulated limits.
Measures aimed at limiting the scale of core damage, preventing interaction of the molten material with containment structures, maintaining containment integrity, and minimizing off-site releases, in the event of an accident.
A material that reduces neutron energy by scattering without appreciable capture. Materials of prime concern are those containing light nuclei with large scattering cross sections and relatively low absorption cross sections.
normal operation Operation within specified operational limits and conditions, including start-up, power operation, shutdown, maintenance, testing and refuelling.
operational limits and conditions
A set of rules setting forth parameter limits and the functional capability and performance levels of equipment and personnel, which are approved by the regulatory body for safe operation of an authorized facility. This set of limits and conditions is monitored by or on behalf of the operator and can be controlled by the operator.
safety case
An integrated collection of arguments and evidence to demonstrate the safety of a facility. A safety case will normally include a safety assessment, but could also typically include information (including supporting evidence and reasoning) on the robustness and reliability of the safety assessment and the assumptions made therein.
safety function
A specific purpose that must be accomplished by a structure, system or component for safety, including those necessary to prevent accident conditions and to mitigate the consequences of accident conditions.
safety system
Systems provided to ensure the safe shutdown of the reactor or the residual heat removal from the core, or to limit the consequences of anticipated operational occurrences and design-basis accidents.
severe accident
Accident conditions more severe than a design-basis accident and involving significant core degradation.
severe accident management (SAM) program
A program that establishes both of the following:
- the actions to be taken to prevent severe damage to the reactor core, to mitigate the consequences of the core damage should it occur, and to achieve a safe, stable state of the reactor over the long term
- the preparatory measures necessary for implementation of such actions
A subcritical reactor state with a defined margin to prevent a return to criticality without external actions.
single failure
A failure that results in the loss of capability of a system or component to perform its intended function(s) and any consequential failure(s) that result from it.
single failure criterion
A criterion (or requirement) applied to a system such that it will be capable of performing its task in the presence of any single failure.
smart buyer (intelligent customer)
An organization that has a clear understanding and knowledge of the product or service being supplied. In the context of nuclear safety, the organization knows what is required, fully understands the need for a vendor’s services, specifies requirements, supervises the work and technically reviews the output before, during and after implementation.
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), REGDOC-2.5.2, Design of Reactor Facilities: Nuclear Power Plants, 2014.
- CNSC, RD-367, Design of Small Reactors, 2011.
- CNSC, RD/GD-369, Licence Application Guide, Licence to Construct a Nuclear Power Plant, 2011.
- CNSC, REGDOC-2.4.1, Deterministic Safety Analysis, 2014.
- CNSC, REGDOC-2.4.2, Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) for Nuclear Power Plants, 2005.
- CNSC, G-129, Keeping Radiation Exposures and Doses "As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)", 2004.
- CNSC, REGDOC-2.3.2, Accident Management, Version 2, 2015.
- CNSC, G-219, Decommissioning Planning for Licensed Activities, 2000.
- CSA Group, CSA N285.08/N285.6 Series-08, General requirements for pressure-retaining systems and components in CANDU nuclear power plants / Material Standards for reactor components for CANDU nuclear power plants, 2008.
- CSA Group, CSA N287.1-14 (2014), General requirements for concrete containment structures for nuclear power plants, 2014.
- CSA Group, CSA N293-12, Fire protection for nuclear power plants.
- CSA Group, CSA N286-12, Management system requirements for nuclear facilities.
- CSA Group, CSA N289.1, General requirements for seismic design and qualification of CANDU nuclear power plants.
- National Research Council, National Model Construction Codes, NRCC 53301S, The National Building Code of Canada, 2010.
- National Research Council, National Model Construction Codes, NRCC 47667, The National Fire Code of Canada, 2010.
CNSC Regulatory Document Series
Facilities and activities within the nuclear sector in Canada are regulated by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). In addition to the Nuclear Safety and Control Act and associated regulations, these facilities and activities may also be required to comply with otherregulatory instruments such as regulatory documents or standards.
Effective April 2013, the CNSC's catalogue of existing and planned regulatory documents has been organized under three key categories and twenty-five series, as set out below. Regulatory documents produced by the CNSC fall under one of the following series:
- 1.0 Regulated facilities and activities
- Series 1.1 Reactor facilities
- 1.2 Class IB facilities
- 1.3 Uranium mines and mills
- 1.4 Class II facilities
- 1.5 Certification of prescribed equipment
- 1.6 Nuclear substances and radiation devices
- 2.0 Safety and control areas
- Series 2.1 Management system
- 2.2 Human performance management
- 2.3 Operating performance
- 2.4 Safety analysis
- 2.5 Physical design
- 2.6 Fitness for service
- 2.7 Radiation protection
- 2.8 Conventional health and safety
- 2.9 Environmental protection
- 2.10 Emergency management and fire protection
- 2.11 Waste management
- 2.12 Security
- 2.13 Safeguards and non-proliferation
- 2.14 Packaging and transport
- 3.0 Other regulatory areas
- Series 3.1 Reporting requirements
- 3.2 Public and Aboriginal engagement
- 3.3 Financial guarantees
- 3.4 Commission proceedings
- 3.5 CNSC processes and practices
- 3.6 Glossary of CNSC terminology
Note: The regulatory document series may be adjusted periodically by the CNSC. Each regulatory document series listed above may contain multiple regulatory documents. For the latest list of regulatory documents, visit the CNSC's website.
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