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Webinar: Global First Power's proposed MMR Project – Environmental Assessment and Licensing Process

Join us on March 22 (English) and March 23 (French), 2022, for a webinar about Global First Power’s proposed micro modular reactor project (MMR) at the Chalk River Laboratories site, in Renfrew County, Ontario. This is your opportunity to speak with the CNSC’s experts, who lead the review of the project and will be there to answer your questions.

Participants will get a brief overview of:

  • CNSC regulatory requirements and oversight
  • details on how CNSC staff review proposals, particularly in the areas where the public is concerned
  • how the CNSC can ensure confidence in the safety of a facility and protection of the environment through a comprehensive review
  • details on how to participate in the environmental assessment process and where to get answers about key topics and concerns about the project and CNSC staff’s technical assessments
  • details on how the licensing process works

Registration is now closed.

Watch the webinar

English session: March 22, 2022

Watch a recording of the webinar (video)


We welcome questions anytime. These may be addressed during or after the session.

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