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Certification of Transport Packages and Special Form Radioactive Material

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) regulates the use of nuclear energy and materials to protect the health, safety and security of Canadians and the environment; and to respect Canada’s international commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Pursuant to the Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 (PTNSR 2015), the CNSC is authorized to certify transport package designs, special form radioactive material and low dispersion radioactive material. To achieve this, the CNSC incorporated into its regulations, the International Atomic Energy Agency’s transport regulations, namely the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, 2018 Edition (PDF, 190 pages, 1.7 MB), Safety Standards Series SSR-6.

Two of the most common certified designs in use today are Type B packages and packages designed to contain fissile material. Type B packages contain radioactive material that emit large activities of radiation and must be certified by the CNSC. Examples include packages designed to transport cobalt therapy sources and exposure devices.

The hazards are controlled by the strength of the package, which is designed to pass stringent impact, drop and puncture tests, an engulfing fire test, and immersion in water. Type B packages may be constructed of steel with depleted uranium or lead as shielding. The weight can vary from about 25 kg to 35 tonnes, or more, depending on the radioactive activity of the material it is designed to contain. The shape of the package can also vary.

The CNSC also revalidates package design certificates that are issued by other countries. Occasionally, transport licences for when the requirements of the PTNSR 2015 cannot be met may also be approved by the CNSC.

What follows is the list of all special form radioactive material and package designs that are certified by the CNSC for use in Canada, as of February 11, 2025.

Valid Special Form Certificates

Certificate Number Designer/Manufacturer Source Model Issue Date Expiry Date
CDN/0001/S-73 (Rev. 19) Nordion (Canada) Inc. Capsule Assemblies listed in Appendix A 2021-06-09 2026-05-31
CDN/0004/S-96 (Rev. 13) Best Theratronics Ltd. C-146; C-151 and XC-325 Teletherapy Source Capsules 2023-09-22 2028-09-30
CDN/0009/S-96 (Rev. 10) Best Theratronics TC-346 2022-11-15 2027-10-31
CDN/0010/S (Rev. 13) Nordion (Canada) Inc. C-188 Sealed Source, Types 1 to 13 inclusive 2023-05-03 2026-08-30
CDN/0011/S-73 (Rev. 10) Best Theratronics C-161 Type 8 Capsule and C-1000 Capsule 2023-07-17 2028-06-30
CDN/0014/S-96 (Rev. 7) Nordion (Canada) Inc. C-198 Capsule 2020-10-07 2025-10-31
CDN/0015/S-96 (Rev. 6) Nordion (Canada) Inc. C-168 Capsule 2021-07-26 2026-05-31
CDN/0017/S-96 (Rev. 5) Best Theratronics C-378 Capsule 2023-05-12 2028-04-30
CDN/0019/S-96 (Rev. 4) Nordion (Canada) Inc. C-442 Capsule 2021-11-15 2026-11-30
CDN/0034/S-96 (Rev. 2) Best Theratronics C1610 2024-09-26 2029-11-30
CDN/0035/S-96 (Rev. 2) Best Theratronics C3100 2024-09-26 2029-11-30
CDN/0036/S-96 (Rev. 1) Nordion (Canada) Inc. C-446 2021-12-09 2027-01-31
CDN/0038/S-96 (Rev. 1) Nordion (Canada) Inc. C-374 2022-02-15 2027-03-31
CDN/0040/S-96 (Rev. 1) Nordion (Canada) Inc. C-450 2022-06-13 2027-06-30
CDN/0041/S (Rev. 0) Best Theratronics Ltd. C-440 2022-11-16 2027-10-31
CDN/0042/S (Rev. 0) Best Theratronics Ltd. C-1001 2022-11-16 2027-10-31
CDN/0043/S (Rev. 0) Best Theratronics Ltd. C-3001 2022-11-16 2027-10-31

Canadian Package Design Certificates

Certificate Number Designer/Manufacturer Package Model Issue Date Expiry Date
CDN/2003/B(U)-73 (Rev. 19) Best Theratronics

F-143 Transfer Case, Serial Nos. 20, 50, 53, 54, 59, 62, 64; and

F-158 Transfer Case, Serial Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14

2020-03-18 2025-03-31
CDN/2009/B(U)-73 (Rev. 16) Best Theratronics Ltd. F-147 Transfer Case, Serial Nos. 18, 24, 26, 27, 34-36, 39-48, 50, 52, 54, 56-60 2022-12-23 2028-01-31
CDN/2012/B(U)-73 (Rev. 25) Nordion (Canada) Inc. F-168 Shipping Flask, Serial Nos. 20, 21, 28, 31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 42 to 52 inclusive. 2020-01-22 2025-03-31
CDN/2044/B(U)-73 (Rev. 13) Best Theratronics F-127-X J-Rod Shipping Container, Serial Nos. 49, 51, 53, and 55 2023-02-14 2028-02-28
CDN/2045/B(U)-73 (Rev. 21) Nordion (Canada) Inc. F-168-X Shipping Flask, Serial Nos. 22-X, 23-X, 25-X, 41‑X 2021-12-22 2025-04-30
CDN/2048/B(U)F-73 (Rev. 11) Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd. F-257, Serial No. 002 2021-07-02 2026-09-30
CDN/2049/B(U)-96 (Rev. 13) Ontario Power Generation Tritiated Heavy Water Transportation Package 2023-02-22 2028-02-28
CDN/2051/B(U)-96 (Rev. 17) BWXT Medical Ltd. F-271 Transport Package 2021-06-18 2026-01-31
CDN/2052/B(U) (Rev. 10) Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Used Fuel Transportation Package (UFTP) 2023-07-21 2028-07-31
CDN/2054/B(U) (Rev. 10) Ontario Power Generation Dry Storage Container (DSC) Transportation Package 2022-02-14 2027-02-28
CDN/2055/B(U)-96 (Rev. 13) Nordion F-339 Transport Package 2024-06-28 2029-10-31
CDN/2058/B(U)-96 (Rev. 12) Ontario Power Generation Radioactive Filter Transportation Package (RFTP) 2020-04-21 2025-04-30
CDN/2060/B(U)-85 (Rev. 8) Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL (CRL) Tritide Package, Serial Nos. 2060-01, 2060-02, 2060‑03 2021-10-21 2026-10-31
CDN/2061/B(U)F-85 (Rev. 11) Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Irradiated Material Transportation Package 2022-09-26 2027-09-30
CDN/2062/B(U)-96 (Rev. 10) Best Theratronics F147(96) Transfer Case, Serial Nos. 61 and higher 2023-02-13 2028-02-28
CDN/2071/B(U)-96 (Rev. 10) Ontario Power Generation Roadrunner 2022-05-06 2027-05-31
CDN/2072/B(U)-96 (Rev. 12) Nordion (Canada) Inc. F-127, F-127-X, F-127-S and RAI/F-127 Transport Packages, Serial Numbers 59 and up 2023-07-06 2025-04-30
CDN/2076/B(U)-96 (Rev. 13) Best Theratronics F-430/GC-40; F-430/GC-1000 and GC-3000; F-430/CIS model IBL 437C; F-430/CIS model IBL 637; F-430/Molsgaard model GC-2000; F‑430/Gammator M38 2023-02-14 2028-02-29
CDN/2077/B(U)-96 (Rev. 10) Nordion (Canada) Inc. F-231, F-231-L, F-231-MK2 and F-231-MK2-L, Serial Nos. 11 and up 2022-05-31 2026-11-30
CDN/2078/B(U)-96 (Rev. 10) BWXT Medical Ltd. F-458/F-245; F-247; F-251; F-251 MKII; F-318 and F-448 2021-06-28 2025-10-31
CDN/2081/B(U)-96 (Rev. 5) Nordion (Canada) Inc. F-168 (1996) and F-168-X (1996), Serial Nos. 53 and up 2021-07-07 2026-11-30
CDN/2083/B(U)-96 (Rev. 9) Best Theratronics Ltd. F-431/GC-1000; F-431/GC-3000 and F-431/Gammator M38 2021-11-23 2026-11-30
CDN/2084/B(U)-96 (Rev. 3) Best Theratronics F-423 Transport Package 2020-05-26 2025-06-30
CDN/2087/B(U)-96 (Rev. 9) Ontario Power Generation Multi-Purpose Transportation Package: MPTP-XX, MPTP-SF-XX 2022-12-01 2026-09-30
CDN/2091/ B(U)-96 (Rev. 4) Aspect Technology Ltd. 12K Transport Package (serial numbers 001 AS - 040 AS, XXX AS), Maxibulk Inner Container; Minibulk Inner Container; 10 Channel Inner Container 2024-11-29 2029-11-30
CDN/2093/B(U)(Rev. 3) Ontario Power Generation Retube Waste Container Transportation Package (RWCTP) 2024-05-23 2029-05-31
CDN/2094/B(U)-96 (Rev. 5) BWXT Medical Ltd. F-522 2024-11-27 2030-03-31
CDN/2098/B(U)F-96 (Rev. 2) NAC International Inc. OPTIMUS-H 2024-07-03 2026-08-31
CDN/2099/B(U)F-96 (Rev. 1) NAC International Inc. OPTIMUS-L 2021-08-09 2025-06-30
CDN/2100/B(U)-96 (Rev. 1) Nordion (Canada) Inc. R7008, Serial Nos. 3750/01 to 3750/09 and 3750/17 to 3750/20 2020-05-13 2025-03-31
CDN/2101/B(U)-96 (Rev. 0) ISO-RAD Canada Inc. ISORAD-TC1 2021-06-30 2026-05-31
CDN/2102/B(U)-96 (Rev. 0) Nordion (Canada) Inc. R7006, Serial Numbers 3300/01, 3300/02, 3300/03, 3300/05, 3300/06, 3300/09 and 3300/10 2020-10-14 2025-10-31
CDN/2104/B(U)-96 (Rev. 0) Nordion (Canada) Inc. R7009, Serial Number 3939/01 2021-05-12 2026-05-31
CDN/2105/B(U)-96 (Rev. 1) Nordion (Canada) Inc. R7021, Serial Numbers 3981/08 to 3981/12 2024-05-28 2026-09-30
CDN/2106/B(U) (Rev. 0) Tyne Engineering Inc. microtec 2852 2022-08-12 2027-08-31
CDN/2108/B(U) (Rev. 0) EnergySolutions Trilium TP-03 2024-05-13 2028-10-31
CDN/2109/B(U) (Rev. 0) ISO-RAD Canada Inc. ISORAD-TC3 2023-10-27 2028-10-31
CDN/2110/B(U)-96 (Rev. 0) REVISS Services (UK) Limited R7016, Serial Numbers 3962/02, 3962/03, 3962/05 2023-12-21 2028-12-31
CDN/3012/B(M)-96 (Rev. 14) BWXT Medical Ltd. F-279 Shipping Flask 2021-07-08 2025-09-30

Canadian Revalidation of Package Design Certificates

Certificate Number Designer/Manufacturer Package Model Issue Date Expiry Date
CDN/E044/-96 (Rev. 22) Source Production & Equipment Co., Inc. C-1 Source Changer 2021-10-25 2026-10-31
CDN/E094/-96 (Rev. 14) Industrial Nuclear Company Inc. IR-100 2024-10-25 2029-10-31
CDN/E130/-96 (Rev. 11) N/A 30B Cylinder 2023-02-07 2025-07-31
CDN/E150/-96 (Rev. 25) TN Americas UX-30 2024-09-06 2028-09-30
CDN/E170/-96 (Rev. 7) Source Production & Equipment Co. SPEC-150 Exposure Device 2020-06-01 2025-06-30
CDN/E173/-96 (Rev. 14) NAC International, Inc. NAC-LWT Shipping Container 2021-05-11 2025-04-30
CDN/E175/-96 (Rev. 10) QSA Global Inc. 650L Source Changer 2023-08-22 2025-11-30
CDN/E184/-96 (Rev.5) Industrial Nuclear Company Inc. OP-100 2024-02-27 2029-02-28
CDN/E188/-96 (Rev. 5) Westinghouse Electric Company Uranic Materials Container Type 3516 2024-08-08 2025-05-31
CDN/E189/-96 (Rev. 8) Energy Solutions 10-160B: Serial Nos. Trillium TP-01 and TP-02 2020-10-14 2025-10-31
CDN/E193/-96 (Rev. 4) Source Production & Equipment Co., Inc. SPEC-300 Radiography Camera 2020-04-16 2025-04-30
CDN/E199/-96 (Rev. 16) QSA Global Inc. 880 Delta, 880 Sigma, 880 Elite, 880 SC 2021-06-18 2026-05-31
CDN/E201/-96 (Rev. 4) Cameco Corporation 48X, 48Y Cylinders 2021-05-26 2026-02-28
CDN/E204/ (Rev. 8) Croft Associates Ltd. 3605D 2023-01-24 2027-12-31
CDN/E207/-96 (Rev. 6) Global Nuclear Fuel NPC Transport Package 2021-03-05 2025-11-30
CDN/E213/ (Rev. 12) Croft Associates Ltd. SAFSHIELD 2773A Transport Package 2024-05-13 2025-06-30
CDN/E216/-96 (Rev. 8) Westinghouse Electric Company Traveller STD, Traveller XL Package, Traveller VVER 2022-02-01 2025-03-31
CDN/E217/-96 (Rev. 8) QSA Global Inc. 976A, 976C, 976F 2024-05-09 2029-07-31
CDN/E219/-96 (Rev. 9) Oak Ridge Y-12 National Security Complex ES-3100 2025-01-27 2025-07-31
CDN/E224/ (Rev. 4) NTP Radioisotopes (Pty) Ltd. JANE Transport Container 2023-12-18 2028-01-02
CDN/E225/-96 (Rev. 3) Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH ANF-50 2023-12-18 2025-03-31
CDN/E227/-96 (Rev. 4) TN International TNF-XI 2023-01-27 2026-12-31
CDN/E238/-96 (Rev. 4) QSA Global Inc. Sentry 110, 330 and 867 2021-07-07 2026-05-31
CDN/E239/-96 (Rev. 2) Mitsubishi Nuclear Fuel Co. Ltd. MST-30 2021-01-28 2025-03-04
CDN/E241/-96 (Rev. 4) QSA Global Inc. 702 2023-02-02 2028-02-29
CDN/E243/-96 (Rev. 4) QSA Global Inc. 360-2, 360-4, 360-4W, 360-10, 360-10W Source Changers 2023-07-17 2028-08-31
CDN/E253/-96 (Rev. 4) EnergySolutions 8-120B 2023-03-09 2027-12-31
CDN/E254/-96 (Rev. 1) EnergySolutions 10-160B 2020-04-23 2025-10-31
CDN/E261/ (Rev. 1) DAHER Nuclear Technologies GmbH (DNT) DN30 2024-10-29 2028-12-31
CDN/E262/ (Rev. 1) Framatome FCC3 2023-10-17 2028-04-30
CDN/E263/ (Rev. 1) Framatome FCC4 2023-10-17 2027-12-31
CDN/E264/-96 (Rev. 1) Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH ANF-10 2023-12-01 2028-05-31
CDN/E266/ (Rev. 1) Croft Associates Ltd. 3979A 2022-03-04 2026-04-30
CDN/E267/ (Rev. 2) Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd. GP-01 2024-10-16 2029-10-31
CDN/E270/-96 (Rev. 1) Westinghouse Electric Company Traveller STD, Traveller XL 2023-04-13 2027-04-30
CDN/E210/-96 (Rev. 9) TN International TNF-XI 2023-01-27 2026-12-31
CDN/E271/ (Rev. 0) Japan Atomic Energy Agency JRF-90Y-950K 2024-10-18 2029-10-31

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