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Letter to Ontario Power Generation regarding Regulatory Hold Point 3 – Darlington Unit 1

Regulatory Operations Branch

Sent by email only

October 10, 2024

Mr. Allan Grace
Senior Vice President, Nuclear
Ontario Power Generation Inc.
1 Holt Road South, P.O. Box 4000
Bowmanville, ON L1C 3Z8

Mr. Boris Vulanovic
Senior Vice President, Refurbishment
Ontario Power Generation Inc.
1855 Energy Drive, 3C14
Courtice, ON L1E 0E7

SUBJECT: Darlington NGS - Unit 1 Return to Service: Request for CNSC Consent to Remove the Regulatory Hold Point for Prior To Exceeding 1 % Full Power

Dear Mr. Grace and Mr. Vulanovic:

The purpose of this letter is to respond to Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) submission [1], which requests removal of Regulatory Hold Point-3 (RHP-3), allowing operation above 1 % full power for the refurbished Darlington Unit 1 reactor, and provides the associated Completion Assurance Document.

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission staff’s assessment [2] of OPG’s submission [1], as well as all supporting documentation, conclude that OPG has met all the pre-requisites established by the Commission to remove RHP-3. Therefore, as the person authorized by the Commission and pursuant to Licence Condition 15.4 of the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Power Reactor Operating Licence 13.04/2025, I consent to remove RHP-3 and OPG may now allow operation above 1% full power for the Unit 1 reactor.

Yours sincerely,

Ramzi Jammal
Executive Vice-President and
Chief Regulatory Operations Officer
Regulatory Operations Branch

c.c: A. Viktorov, A. Mathai, M. Rickard, C. Loreti, E. Delgado, A. El-Merhi, A. Oussoren, A. Josua Tanoko, C. Brown, C. Chan, C. Badal, Darlington Site Office


  1. OPG letter, A. Grace and B. Vulanovic to R. Jammal, “Darlington NGS Refurbishment: Unit 1 Return to Service – Request for CNSC Consent Prior to Exceeding 1% Full Power (RHP3)”, NK38-CORR-00531-25705, October 7, 2024
  2. CNSC staff document entitled: “Request by Ontario Power Generation Inc. to Remove Regulatory Hold Point for Reactor Power Increases Prior to Exceeding 1% Full Power for Unit 1”, October 10, 2024

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