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Gentilly-1 Waste Facility

The Gentilly-1 Nuclear Generating Station (G-1) was the site of a 250 MW(e) CANDU prototype reactor, which was put into service in 1972. The reactor operated intermittently until 1978 for a total of 183 effective full-power days. In 1984, the decision was made to permanently shut down the reactor.

In 1986, after a two-year program, G-1 was brought to a safe shutdown state and was relicensed by the CNSC as the Gentilly-1 Waste Management Facility. The facility is currently in a long-term storage state with ongoing monitoring referred to as storage with surveillance.

In 2014, the CNSC issued a 20-year waste facility decommissioning licence for prototype waste facilities, which included G-1. In 2019, the G-1 Waste Management Facility was relicensed as the G-1 Waste Facility. The facility is currently owned by Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. and operated by Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) Ltd.

Location: The G-1 Waste Facility is located on the Hydro-Québec Gentilly-2 Nuclear Generating Station site near Bécancour, Quebec, on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River.
Licensee: Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd.
Status: Storage with surveillance
Licence expires: December 31, 2034

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Protecting Canadians and the environment


The CNSC uses information provided by licensees to create our own reports assessing the environmental effects of nuclear facilities or licensed activities.

Health and safety

The CNSC oversees licensee emergency planning and works with other levels of government to ensure the health and safety of Canadians. We also conduct and review health studies on various areas associated with the production, possession or use of nuclear substances.

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