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Small Modular Reactor Readiness project overview

The Small Modular Reactor Readiness project is based on 4 pillars.

The Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Readiness project is designed to optimize our readiness to license and regulate SMRs and position ourselves as an international leader in SMR regulation.

The project is based on a 5-year project horizon with $50.7 million in funding, which will enable us to make a significant investment in our staff to address over 50 SMR Readiness objectives.

This diagram has four sections placed in a quadrant shape and each section includes information related to the CNSC’s SMR Readiness. In the top left, a blue section, refers to the 5-year project timeline. In the top right section, the orange section, indicates the project received $50.7 million in Government of Canada funding. In the bottom left section, in green, mentions additional staffing and the lower right section, in yellow, indicates the project has over 60 objectives.

The project is based on optimizing the following 4 pillars:

This diagram includes four circles placed in a large circular shape with arrows between each circle. At the top of the shape is a circle representing Regulatory Predictability, then in a clockwise direction, the next circle indicates Policy and Shared Responsibilities, the third circle is for International Collaboration, and the fourth circle is for Capacity and Capability.

A description of each pillar is provided below.

Regulatory predictability and clarity

The Regulatory predictability and clarity pillar focuses on optimizing the CNSC’s regulatory framework for SMR licensing and providing regulatory clarity to SMR proponents. This will be reflected through the assessment and revision of regulatory documents to ensure technological inclusivity.

Description, outcome and status

To learn more about each element under this pillar, including the title, description, outcome(s) and status, read the Regulatory predictability and clarity section on the Small Modular Reactor Readiness – 4 pillars page.

Building capacity and capability

The Capacity and Capability pillar is aimed at improving and expanding the CNSC’s technical ability and competency in SMRs, especially those geared towards non-water-cooled designs. SMRs include a variety of new reactor designs, the use of emerging/disruptive technologies not employed at today’s nuclear power plants, and innovative construction approaches. To be ready to regulate SMRs effectively and efficiently without compromising safety, the CNSC requires independent research, internal expertise, and documented regulatory positions in these areas to support licensing reviews.

Description, outcome and status

To learn more about each element under this pillar, including the title, description, outcome(s) and status, read the Capacity and Capability section on the Small Modular Reactor Readiness – 4 pillars page.

Supporting policy and coordinating shared responsibility

A number of policies, owned by federal, provincial and, in some cases, territorial governments, are being reviewed to ensure that they are responsive to the potential deployment of SMRs in Canada. This pillar is designed to enable the CNSC to provide technical advice in the development or review of these policy instruments. Work undertaken under this pillar will also focus on establishing or modifying memoranda of understanding, or other collaborative tools, to find efficiencies.

Description, outcome and status

To learn more about each element under this pillar, including the title, description, outcome(s) and status, read the Supporting policy and coordinating shared responsibility section on the Small Modular Reactor Readiness – 4 pillars page.

International collaboration

The International collaboration pillar aims to strengthen existing international collaboration efforts and more strongly pursue international harmonization goals. The CNSC recognizes the mutual benefits that can be realized through leveraging the breadth and depth of the experience and expertise of other regulators. This pillar will seek ways to achieve and optimize international regulatory harmonization.

Description, outcome and status

To learn more about each element under this pillar, including the title, description, outcome(s) and status, read the International Collaboration section on the Small Modular Reactor Readiness – 4 pillars page.


For general questions about SMR Readiness, you can contact us by:

  • Telephone: 1-888-229-2672 (toll-free in Canada and the United States)
  • Fax: 613 995-5086
  • Email:

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