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Dr. Rene J.A. Levesque
(1987 - 1993)
René J. A. Lévesque is appointed AECB President Following the departure of Jon H. Jennekens, who accepted a position as Deputy Director General, Safeguards with the International Atomic Energy Agency, Dr. René J. A. Lévesque becomes President of the AECB and serves until 1993.

Ontario Hydro is fined for overexposing workers to radiation Ontario Hydro is charged and fined for overexposing workers at its Pickering nuclear generating stations to radiation. This instance was the first and only penalty imposed on a power reactor utility under the Atomic Energy Control Act.
ACEB lab opens at a new location in Ottawa The Atomic Energy Control Board Laboratory is officially opened at its new home at the Health Protection Building in Tunney's Pasture in Ottawa, Ontario. It is divided into two sections: the radiochemistry section, which is responsible for sample analysis, and the electronics section, which is responsible for the maintenance of all field instrumentation.
Darlington begins operation The first reactor (Unit 2) of the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario begins operating. The remaining three reactors would all become operational by 1993. Today, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) owns and is licensed to operate the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, located in the municipality of Clarington, on the north shore of Lake Ontario. OPG also operates a nuclear waste management facility at the station. The CNSC has full-time staff onsite who perform inspections to evaluate operations and to verify compliance with regulatory requirements and licence conditions.

The AECB continues to improve community relations In keeping with efforts to become more transparent about its activities, between June and December 1990, the AECB held public information meetings in Saint John, New Brunswick; Ontario's Bruce Township; Bécancour, Quebec; Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan; and Newcastle, Ontario.
Former AECB President receives an award Jon H. Jennekens, former President of the AECB, is presented with the Ian McRae Award of Merit by the Canadian Nuclear Association. The award recognizes individuals for outstanding contributions (other than scientific) to nuclear energy in Canada. (Source: Canadian Nuclear Society)

The AECB opens an office in Saskatoon The move is prompted by an increasing workload due to the presence of uranium mines in Saskatchewan. The Saskatoon office was founded to develop technical assessments and licensing recommendations for five new uranium mining projects, and played an important role in preserving nuclear safety.
AECB improves media relations practices The AECB hires a media relations officer and makes subject matter specialists available for interviews rather than funneling information through communications staff spokespersons. Long before it became an accepted, government-wide practice, the AECB made it a point to have subject matter specialists readily available for print and broadcast interviews.
Parliament passes the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Environmental assessments ensure that the impacts of new projects on the ecosystem are identified. Environmental measures must anticipate, prevent and attack the causes of environmental degradation. The AECB assesses the environmental effects of all nuclear facilities or activities at every phase of their lifecycle. This assessment is based on the scale and complexity of the environmental risks associated with the facility or activity.
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