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Proposed construction and operation of a shielded modular above-ground storage project at Chalk River Laboratories

Environment assessment (EA) start date: February 4, 2005
Type: Screening
CEAR reference number: 05-01-9335
Proponent: Atomic Energy of Canda Limited (AECL)
Location: Chalk River, Ontario

Latest update

Project description

The CNSC has received an application from AECL for the construction and operation of a Shielded Modular Above Ground Storage (SMAGS) project at the Waste Management Area H (WMA H).  The SMAGS would be built in place of the eight Modular Above Ground Storage units that were originally planned for the site. The SMAGS initiative would require an amendment to AECL's Nuclear Research and Test Establishment Operating Licence pursuant to section 37(2)(d) of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA).

The proposed SMAGS initiative would include the construction and operation of six SMAGS buildings. The footprint of each building would be 1457 m2 with a total storage volume per building of 8 800 m3. The buildings would provide radiological shielding and would accommodate the solid low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) that is received from off-site commercial generators and from Chalk River Laboratories (CRL). The waste to be stored in the SMAGS would be placed in standardized all metal containers with lids, prior to being transported to WMA H. Based on the current rates of waste generation, it is anticipated that each building would accommodate four years of LLRW.

Before the Commission makes its decision on AECL's application for the proposed SMAGS project, a screening EA must be completed in compliance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The purpose of an EA is to identify the possible environmental effects of a proposed project, and to determine whether these effects can be mitigated before the project is allowed to proceed.

Further information

The CNSC maintains a public registry of documents related to its EAs. Lists and copies of documents may be obtained upon request. For questions or information directly related to this EA, please contact:

For questions or information directly related to the environmental assessment of this project, contact the CNSC.

The CNSC regulates the use of nuclear energy and materials to protect health, safety, security and the environment, and to implement Canada's international commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy; and to disseminate objective scientific, technical and regulatory information to the public.

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