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Top 10 nuclear-related news stories for 2017

Top 10 nuclear-related news stories for 2017 Top Ten nuclear-related news items for 2017, as well as the author’s personal non-nuclear related news item on the passing of Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip. The top ten stories, in reverse order, are: Cameco layoffs, small modular reactors, emergency response, Whiteshell refurbishment, Point Lepreau relicensing, Pickering life extension, deep geologic repository, highly enriched nitrate liquid and the near-surface disposal facility. Written by Aurèle Gervais It’s that time of year again. In putting together the top ten list for the nuclear sector, you can’t help but come across all of the top news stories for 2017. Besides being the rainiest year ever (at least for those living in the National Capital Region), the year was dominated by news about hurricanes, terrorist attacks, forest fires and mass shootings – not to mention all the news about “fake” news, but I won’t go there. Year-end lists also bring to mind the people who are sadly no longer with us. For me, that’s the passing of entertainers from the music industry. I’ll spare you my list, but there is one singer who will remain in Canadians’ psyche for many years to come – Gord Downie. He and his band, The Tragically Hip, were so unabashedly Canadian, singing about culture, small towns and hockey. A strong advocate for Indigenous people, he penned songs about the painful legacy of residential schools and urged Canadians towards reconciliation. I remember seeing The Hip on Saturday Night Live in 1995, thinking to myself, “This is it, they’ve made it, they will no longer be Canada’s band.” I don’t think international success would have changed him, but in a selfish sort of way, I’m glad it didn’t happen on a grand scale – because deep down, I really didn’t want to have to share him with the rest of the world. 10 Cameco layoffs A global oversupply of uranium caused management to reduce staff and close some of its facilities. 7 Whiteshell decommissioning Canadian Nuclear Laboratories recommended burying the nuclear reactor in Pinawa, Manitoba in concrete grout. 9 Small modular reactors (SMRs) Organizations around the world expressed interest in SMRs as an alternative to modern-day nuclear power plants. 8 Emergency response Ontario officials invited the public to comment on its nuclear emergency response plan. 6 Darlington refurbishment Ontario Power Generation embarked on a 10-year, $12.8-billion refurbishment of Darlington’s four reactors. 5 Point Lepreau relicensing The CNSC renewed NB Power’s nuclear generating station operating licence until June 2022. 4 1 Pickering life extension Supporters and critics reacted to the Ontario Government’s decision to operate Pickering until 2024. Near Surface Disposal Facility (NSDF) Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ environmental impact statement for its proposed NSDF raises concerns with citizen groups. 3 Deep Geologic Repository (DGR) Ontario Power Generation is still waiting for an environmental assessment decision on its proposed DGR project. 2 HEUNL The transport of highly enriched uranyl nitrate liquid raises concerns among residents living along potential shipping routes. Here are the nuclear sector’s top ten stories for 2017: Top 10 nuclear-related news stories for 2017

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