International agreements
Part of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's (CNSC) mandate is to implement international obligations on the peaceful use of nuclear materials and technology to which Canada has agreed. To achieve this objective, the CNSC works bilaterally and multilaterally with partners around the world to maintain a safe, secure and peaceful international nuclear sector.
Types of international instruments
International instruments comprise a variety of documents. They include treaties, agreements, conventions, charters, protocols, declarations, memoranda of understanding and exchanges of notes.
A treaty is "an international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument, or in two or more related instruments and whatever its particular designation" (Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties). Treaties are most commonly referred to as Treaty, Convention, Agreement or Protocol. An exchange of diplomatic notes or letters can also be a treaty.
Governments use non-legally binding instruments in international relations to express political and moral commitments as opposed to undertakings governed by public international law. These instruments are usually entitled "memoranda of understanding" or "arrangements".
Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA)
Canada's non-proliferation policy stipulates that Canadian-supplied nuclear material, equipment and technology may only be transferred to countries with which Canada has concluded a bilateral NCA. NCAs establish reciprocated obligations to minimize risk associated with major nuclear items. These include assurances that exports are properly protected, safely handled and used for peaceful purposes, and that Canada maintains control over nuclear exports.
Administrative arrangement (AA) pursuant to NCA
Canada's NCAs contain a provision authorizing the CNSC as the appropriate government authority on the part of Canada to establish AAs to facilitate the effective implementation of an NCA.
Administrative arrangement (AA) on the import and export of radioactive sources
These non-legally binding bilateral arrangements between the CNSC and foreign regulatory counterparts implement key import and export control provisions of the IAEA Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources (the Code), and the supplementary Guidance on the Import and Export of Radioactive Sources (the Guidance). The objective of the AAs is to establish efficient and harmonized bilateral procedures for the implementation of import and export controls, thus reducing the risk of undue delays in authorizing transfers of such sources.
Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
An MOU, under section 21(1)( a) of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA), empowers the CNSC to enter into arrangements with any regulatory agency or department of a government or any international agency. These arrangements provide a framework for bilateral cooperation, and provide parties with assurances regarding the security of information exchanged, as well as enhanced clarity about responsibilities regarding visits and costs related to cooperation initiatives, among other benefits. While these arrangements are not legally binding, they nonetheless represent serious political commitments
- Argentina
- Australia
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Czech Republic
- Egypt
- Estonia
- Euratom
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Ghana
- Hungary
- India
- Indonesia
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- Morocco
- Mexico
- Mongolia
- Netherlands
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- Republic of Korea
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- South Africa
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Argentine Republic for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: July 1996
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Control Board and the Comision Nacional Atomica Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Argentine Republic for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Argentina NCA
Date: September 1996
Administrative Arrangement Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear of Argentina for Import and Export of Radioactive Sources
Description: The AA provides for the harmonization of regulatory controls on the import and export of radioactive sources
Date: June 2009
Administrative arrangement between the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada and the Ente Nacional Regulador Nuclear of the Argentine Republic for Technical Co-operation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters
Description: The arrangement is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: September 1996
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of Australia Constituting an Agreement providing for Re-Transfers of Canadian Nuclear Material
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: March 1981
Amended on: April 1995
Administrative Arrangement Between the Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of Australia Concerning The Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Australia NCA
Date: May 1982
Amended on: October 2010

CNSC President Michael Binder (Left) and Dr. Carl-Magnus Larsson, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) (right)
Administrative Arrangement Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency for Import and Export of Radioactive Sources
Description: The Arrangement provides for the regulatory harmonization of import and export control procedures pursuant to the IAEA Code and Guidance
Date: September 2010
Memorandum of Understanding for Technical Co-operation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: November 2007
Memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the CNSC and the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) of Belgium for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters
Description: MOU for technical cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters.
Date: March 2023
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil for Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: May 1996
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Control Board and the Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil for Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Brazil NCA
Date: April 1997
Administrative Arrangement Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the National Nuclear Energy Commission of Brazil for Import and Export of Radioactive Sources
Description: The AA provides for the regulatory harmonization of import and export control procedures pursuant to the IAEA Code and Guidance
Date: July 2009
Administrative Arrangement Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear for Import and Export of Radioactive Sources
Description: The AA provides for the regulatory harmonization of import and export control procedures pursuant to the IAEA Code and Guidance
Date: December 2011
Memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the CNSC and the National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) of the People’s Republic of China for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters
Description: The MOU allows for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: August 2016
News release: CNSC signs memorandum of understanding on nuclear safety cooperation with China

NNSA Administrator Li Ganjie and CNSC’s Ramzi Jammal.
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the People's Republic of China for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: November 1994
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Control Board and the China Atomic Energy Authority Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the People's Republic of China for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-China NCA
Date: February 1997
Agreement Between The Government of Canada And The Government of the Republic of Colombia for Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: June 1988
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Control Board and the Instituto de Asuntos Nucleares Pursuant to the Agreement Between The Government of Canada and The Government of The Republic of Colombia for Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Colombia NCA
Date: January 1989
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia for Import and Export of Radioactive Sources
Description: The MOU provides for the regulatory harmonization of import and export control procedures pursuant to the IAEA Code and Guidance
Date: April 2009
Czech Republic
Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Czech Republic for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear technology (those of nuclear material and equipment are covered under the Canada-Euratom NCA)
Date: February 1995
Administrative Arrangement between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Czech State Office for Nuclear Safety
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Czech Republic NCA
Date: September 2000
Memorandum of Cooperation between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Czech State Office for Nuclear Safety
Description: The MoC allows for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters
Date: September 2021
Agreement Between The Government of Canada and the Government of The Arab Republic of Egypt For Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: November 1982
Administrative Understandings Between the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada and the Nuclear Power Plants Authority of Egypt Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of The Arab Republic of Egypt for Co-Operation In The Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Egypt NCA
Date: July 1989
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the CNSC and the Environmental Board of Estonia for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters.
Description: MOU for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters.
Date: May 2023
Agreement Between The Government of Canada And The European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) for Co-operation In The Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. The member states of EURATOM are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials and equipment
Date: November 1959
Amended on: July 1991
Working Consolidation of Existing Administrative Documents Pursuant to the 1959 Agreement Between the Government of Canada and Euratom for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Euratom NCA
Date: May 1987
Amended on: November 2002
Agreement Between The Government of Canada and the Government of The Republic of Finland Concerning the Uses of Nuclear Material, Equipment, Facilities and Information Transferred Between Canada and Finland
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear technology (those of nuclear material and equipment are covered under the Canada-Euratom NCA)
Date: August 1976
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada and the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Finland
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Finland NCA
Date: October 1993
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and the Exchange of Nuclear Regulatory Information between the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: September 2010

CNSC President Michael Binder (Left) and Jukka Laaksonen, (right) Director General, Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK) - Finland
Administrative arrangement between the CNSC and the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization
Description: The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering project. ITER will be the world’s largest tokamak reactor, expected to produce 500 MW of power using deuterium and tritium as fuel. Established in 2006, ITER has seven member entities: China, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russia, United States and the European Union.
Officials from Canada and the ITER Organization negotiated an Agreement between the Government of Canada and the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Fusion Energy, signed on October 15, 2020. To facilitate the implementation of this agreement, the CNSC’s administrative arrangement will support import and export licensing and reporting on tritium, equipment and technology to further the work of the ITER project team in France.
Date: July 2021
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the French Nuclear Safety Authority
Description: The MOU is for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters
Date: September 2019

CNSC President Rumina Velshi (left) and Bernard Doroszczuk (Right), Chairman of the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) – France
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation, Training and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Institute For Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety of France
Description: The CNSC agreed with France’s Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety to extend, for another 5 years, the bilateral memorandum of understanding for cooperation, training and exchange of information on nuclear regulatory matters.
Date: September 2022
News release: Canada signs international arrangements on nuclear safety cooperation with India, Japan, Switzerland and France
Subsidiary Arrangement of the Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire regarding the collaboration on tritium as part of the ITER project
Description: This subsidiary arrangement is for the collaboration on tritium as part of the ITER project
Date: June 2011
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety of France
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: September 2010

CNSC President Michael Binder (Left) and Jacques Repussard, (Right) Director General, Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) – France
Protocol for the Exchange of Technical and Regulatory Information Regarding Application Reviews of New Nuclear Power Plants Under Consideration in Canada and France
Description: The French Party is the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN). This protocol is an integral part of the MOU with ASN.
Date: April 2009
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Directorate General for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information. The Directorate General for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection, now the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN).
Date: September 2005
Agreement and Exchange of Notes Between the Government of Canada and the Government of The Federal Republic of Germany for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear technology (those of nuclear material and equipment are covered under the Canada-Euratom NCA)
Date: December 1957
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Ghana
Description: The MOU is for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters
Date: September 2019

CNSC President Rumina Velshi (left) and Prof. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng (right), Minister for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation – Ghana
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of The Hungarian People's Republic for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear technology (those of nuclear material and equipment are covered under the Canada-Euratom NCA)
Date: January 1988
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Control Board and the National Atomic Energy Commission Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of The Hungarian People's Republic for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Hungary NCA
Date: August 1989
Appropriate Arrangement Between the CNSC and India's Department of Atomic Energy to implement the Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA) between the two countries.
Description: The arrangement allows for the implementation of the NCA and ensures appropriate oversight with respect to the information required by Canada. It establishes a Joint Committee between Canada and India to ensure ongoing discussions and information sharing in a number of areas. A nuclear cooperation agreement and appropriate arrangement provide the framework through which nuclear cooperation for peaceful purposes is conducted.
Date: April 2013
Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA) Between Canada and India
Description: The NCA provides bilateral treaty level obligations and assurances that nuclear material, equipment and technology transferred between Canada and India will only be used for peaceful uses. The NCA calls for the appropriate government authorities in each country, namely the CNSC and the Indian Department of Atomic Energy, to establish appropriate arrangements in order to facilitate the effective implementation of the NCA.
Date: June 2010
Feature article: Nuclear Cooperation Agreement between Canada and India
Description: The arrangement is for regulatory cooperation
Date: September 2015
News release: Canada signs international arrangements on nuclear safety cooperation with India, Japan, Switzerland and France

CNSC President Michael Binder (left) and Mr. S.A. Bhardwaj (right), Chairman of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of India
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of The Republic of Indonesia Concerning the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: July 1983
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada and the Nuclear Energy Control Board of Indonesia (BAPETEN) for Technical Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters
Description: Notwithstanding, the title, this is an MOU for technical cooperation and exchange of information.
Date: September 1998
Administrative Arrangement Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland for Import and Export of Radioactive Sources
Description: The AA provides for the regulatory harmonization of import and export control procedures pursuant to the IAEA Code and Guidance
Date: April 2013
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and Atomic Energy Commission of Israel
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: September 2011

CNSC President Michael Binder (right) and Dr Shaul Chorev (left), Head of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission
Administrative Arrangement Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Riverca Ambientale of Italy for Import and Export of Radioactive Sources
Description: The AA provides for the regulatory harmonization of import and export control procedures pursuant to the IAEA Code and Guidance
Date: January 2012
Jamaica, Canada and the United States of America
Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Removal of High Enriched Uranium from Jamaica
Description: The MOU was established to implement the terms of the 1984 Project and Supply Agreement governing the retransfer of nuclear material from Jamaica to the United States. The material was originally supplied by Canada to Jamaica with conditions for its use specified by all three countries in the 1984 agreement. The MOU specifies the conditions for the retransfer of this Canadian-obligated nuclear material, including responsibilities, communications, handling and physical protection.
Date: August 2015
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of Japan for Co-operation In The Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: July 1960
Amended on: April 1983
Memorandum Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Science and Technology Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan for Import and Export of Radioactive Sources
Description: The AA provides for the regulatory harmonization of import and export control procedures pursuant to the IAEA Code and Guidance
Date: April 2010
Description: The memorandum of cooperation is for exchange of information on nuclear regulatory matters
Date: September 2015
News release: Canada signs international arrangements on nuclear safety cooperation with India, Japan, Switzerland and France

CNSC President Michael Binder (left) and Mr. Masaya Yasui (right), Director General of Technical Affairs at the NRA. (Mr. Shunichi Tanaka, Chairman of the NRA, had previously signed in Japan.)
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: June 2009
Administrative Arrangement Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Jordan Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Jordan NCA
Date: September 2009
Administrative Arrangement for Cooperation and the Exchange of Nuclear Regulatory Information between the Jordan Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Description: The arrangement is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: September 2011

CNSC President Michael Binder (right) and Dr Jamal Sharaf (left), Director General of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of Jordan
Agreement Between the Government Of Canada and the Government Of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology, to ensure their use for peaceful purposes only
Date: November 2013
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Committee of Atomic Energy of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan have signed Administrative Arrangement (AA) pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government Of Canada and the Government Of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy.
Description: The AA establishes principles and regulatory procedures to implement the provisions of the NCA when nuclear material, equipment or technology is transferred between Canada and Kazakhstan.
Date: November 2013
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security
Description: The MOU is for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters
Date: September 2019

CNSC President Rumina Velshi (left) and Dr. Khammar Mrabit (right), Director General of the Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United Mexican States for Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: February 1995
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Board of Canada and the Secretaria de Energia, Minas E Industria Paraestatal of the United Mexican States Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of the United Mexican States and the Government of Canada For Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Mexico NCA
Date: November 1994
Administrative Arrangement Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the National Commission on Nuclear Safety and Safeguards for Import and Export of Radioactive Sources
Description: The AA provides for the regulatory harmonization of import and export control procedures pursuant to the IAEA Code and Guidance
Date: March 2009
Memorandum of Understanding for Technical Co-operation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Nuclear Energy Agency of Mongolia
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: September 2014
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection of the Netherlands
Description: The CNSC has agreed to collaborate and to exchange information and best practices on nuclear regulatory matters with the Dutch Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection.
Date: December 2022
Administrative Arrangement Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Instituto Peruano de Energia Nuclear for Import and Export of Radioactive Sources
Description: The AA provides for the regulatory harmonization of import and export control procedures pursuant to the IAEA Code and Guidance
Date: October 2011
Agreement Between The Government of Canada and the Government of The Republic of The Philippines Concerning The Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Material, Equipment, Facilities And Information Transferred Between Canada and the Republic of The Philippines
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: April 1983
Terms of Reference for the Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) on Advanced Reactor and Small Modular Reactor Technologies Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency (NAEA)
Description: The terms of reference (TOR) describe the administration of cooperation under the MOC signed between the CNSC and the National Atomic Energy Agency in February 2023. The TOR also facilitate the establishment of a program of work through a committee to accomplish specific cooperative activities under the MOC.
Date: June 2023
Description: This MOC aims to enhance collaboration and technical reviews of advanced reactor and small modular reactor technologies.
Date: February 2023
Memorandum of Understanding for Technical Co-operation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the National Atomic Energy Agency of Poland
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: September 2014
Republic of Korea
Agreement Between The Government of Canada and the Government of The Republic of Korea For Co-Operation in the Development And Application of Atomic Energy For Peaceful Purposes
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: January 1976
Amended on: June 1989
Administrative Procedures Established by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Pursuant to the Exchanges of Notes Between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of Canada and Constituting an Agreement and an Understanding Relating to the Transfer of Tritium Items for the Tritium Removal Facility
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Korea exchange of notes
Date: June 2001
Memorandum of Understanding for Technical Co-operation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission of the Republic of Korea
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: June 2007
Amended on: April 2012
News release: Agreements signed at the International Nuclear Regulators Association

CNSC President Michael Binder (right) and NSSC Chairman and Chief Regulatory Officer Chang Sun Kang (left), Head of the Republic of Korea Nuclear.
Supplementary Arrangements to consolidate the various implementation documents associated to the peaceful use of Canadian nuclear items.
Description: In addition to supporting the CNSC in its licensing of the export and import of nuclear items, the Arrangements will facilitate the transfer and reporting on nuclear material, material, equipment and technology, as well as tritium-related items exchanged between Canada and the Republic of Korea.
Date: December 2015
News release: Canada and Republic of Korea sign Supplementary Arrangements
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania for Co-operation in the Development and Application of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear technology (those of nuclear material and equipment are covered under the Canada-Euratom NCA)
Date: June 1978
Amended on: October 1994
Administrative Understanding Between the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada and the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control of Romania
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Romania NCA
Date: May 2000
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control of Romania
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: September 2010

CNSC President Michael Binder (Left) and Borbála Vajda, (right) President, National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) – Romania Safety and Security Commission
Description: A new and updated administrative arrangement is signed between the CNSC and the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) of Romania. The updated administrative arrangement implements the provisions of the nuclear cooperation agreement and the supplemental protocol between Canada and Romania that ensure the peaceful use of nuclear technology.
Date: January 9 2016
News release: Canada and Romania sign new administrative arrangement
Russian Federation
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (with Annexes)
Description: The Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA) governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology for peaceful purposes
Date: November 1989
Administrative Arrangements (AA) Between The CNSC And The State Atomic Energy Corporation (ROSATOM) Cooperation "ROSATOM" Pursuant To The Agreement Between The Government Of Canada And The Government Of The Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics For Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, 20 November, 1989.
Description: The AA facilitates the effective implementation of the obligations contained in the Canada-Russia NCA
Date: August 1991
Amended on: January 6, 2020 (previously amended in February 2012)
The newly amended AA was signed in Moscow on December 9, 2019, by ROSATOM Deputy Director General, Dr. Nikolas Spasskiy. The AA was then counter-signed by CNSC President Rumina Velshi at the CNSC headquarters in Ottawa on January 6, 2020.
The AA was previously amended on February 7, 2012, and signed by CNSC President Dr. Michael Binder at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ottawa. The Russian ambassador to Canada, His Excellency Georgiv Mamedov, witnessed this signing ceremony.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada and the Federal Nuclear and Radiation Safety Authority of Russia for Technical Co-operation and Exchange of Information
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: January 1996
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Slovak Republic for Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear technology (those of nuclear material and equipment are covered under the Canada-Euratom NCA)
Date: October 1996
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada and the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Slovak Republic for Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Slovakia NCA
Date: September 1999
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear technology (those of nuclear material and equipment are covered under the Canada-Euratom NCA)
Date: April 1996
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada and the Slovenian Nuclear Energy Administration Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Slovenia NCA
Date: May 1995
South Africa
Memorandum of Understanding for Technical Co-Operation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Nation Nuclear Regulator of the Republic of South Africa
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: September 2007
Agreement Between The Government of Canada And The Government of Spain for Co-Operation in the Development And Application of Atomic Energy For Peaceful Purposes
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear technology (those of nuclear material and equipment are covered under the Canada-Euratom NCA)
Date: April 1976
Administrative Arrangement for the Transfer of Technology between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce of Spain Pursuant to the 1976 Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Spain for Co-operation in the Development and Application of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Spain NCA
Date: August 2005
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Nuclear Safety Council of the Kingdom of Spain.
Description: The MOU is to cooperate and exchange of information in the field of nuclear safety, radiation and physical protection.
Date: September 2020
Agreement Between The Government of Canada And The Government of Sweden Concerning The Uses of Nuclear Material, Equipment, Facilities And Information Transferred Between Canada And Sweden
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear technology (those of nuclear material and equipment are covered under the Canada-Euratom NCA)
Date: November 1991
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada and the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate Pursuant to the Canada/Sweden Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Sweden NCA
Date: February 1992
Memorandum of Understanding for Technical Co-operation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Regulatory Matters Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: September 2014
Memorandum of cooperation (MoC) between the CNSC and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority for cooperation and exchange of information pertaining to advanced and small modular reactor (SMR) technologies
Description: The MoC is intended to further strengthen cooperation and to share best practices and experience in reviewing advanced and SMR technologies. Cooperation may expand to facilitate training, research and joint technical reviews of advanced and SMR designs.
Date: May 2024
Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters to facilitate the implementation of article V of the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Swiss Federal Council for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: June 1989
Administrative Arrangement between the Atomic Energy Control Board and the Swiss Federal Council for Co-Operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-Switzerland NCA
Date: December 1987
Description: The MOU is for cooperation and exchange of information on nuclear regulatory matters
Date: September 2015
News release: Canada signs international arrangements on nuclear safety cooperation with India, Japan, Switzerland and France

CNSC President Michael Binder (right) and Dr. Hans Wanner (left), Director General of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate
Administrative Arrangement Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Office of Atoms for Peace of Thailand for Import and Export of Radioactive Sources
Description: The AA provides for the regulatory harmonization of import and export control procedures pursuant to the IAEA Code and Guidance
Date: September 2009

CNSC President Michael Binder (Left) and Dr. Chaivat Toskulkao, (right) Secretary General, Offices of Atoms for Peace of Thailand
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Turkey for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: July 1986
Memorandum of understanding (MOU) for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU).
Description: The MOU is for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear safety and regulatory matters.
Date: August 2023
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of Ukraine for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: January 1999
Administrative Arrangement Between the Atomic Energy Control Board and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of Ukraine for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-United States NCA
Date: January 1999
United Arab Emirates
Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United Arab Emirates for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: September 2012
Administrative Arrangement Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Pursuant to the Agreement Between the Government Of Canada and the Government Of United Arab Emirates for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy.
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-UAE NCA
Date: September 2012
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Government of Canada and the United Arab Emirates’ Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters.
Description: The MOU is a regulatory cooperation arrangement to share information and best practices, with a view to enhancing nuclear safety and security in Canada and abroad.
Date: September 2017
United Kingdom
Memorandum of understanding (MOU) for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Environment Agency of England.
Description: The MOU is for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear safety and regulatory matters.
Date: June 2024
Memorandum of cooperation on advanced reactor and small modular reactor technologies among the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the United Kingdom Officer for Nuclear Regulation.
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), U.K. Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have signed a memorandum of cooperation (MOC).
This new agreement provides a framework for the exchange of information and sharing of best practices. Its objective is to strengthen collective regulatory effectiveness to ensure the safe and efficient deployment and operation of new nuclear technologies, as regulators adapt to a changing landscape in the nuclear sector.
The MOC was signed by CNSC acting CEO Ramzi Jammal, U.S. NRC Chair Christopher T. Hanson and U.K. ONR Chief Executive and Chief Nuclear Inspector Mark Foy in Rockland, Maryland, March 12, 2024.
“The CNSC is pleased to sign our first trilateral MOC with longstanding partners, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.K. Office for Nuclear Regulation,” said Ramzi Jammal, acting CEO of the CNSC. “This provides a framework for the 3 nuclear regulators to work together to optimize collective skills, experience and knowledge. The agreement will help us discover greater regulatory efficiencies, and strengthen the effectiveness of our reviews of advanced reactor technologies.”
Date: March 2024
Arrangement between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the United Kingdom Office for Nuclear Regulation to establish a program of work through a committee to accomplish specific cooperative activities on advanced reactor and small modular reactor technologies.
Description: Terms of Reference for the Memorandum of Cooperation on advanced reactor and small modular reactor technologies
Date: December 2022
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the United Kingdom Office for Nuclear Regulation.
Description: The MOU is for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters.
Date: October 2020
Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) on advanced reactor and small modular reactor technologies between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the United Kingdom Office for Nuclear Regulation.
Description: This MOC aims to further expand cooperation under the provisions of the MOU on activities associated with advanced reactor and small modular reactor technologies.
Date: October 2020
Arrangement for the Exchange of Information in the Area of Regulation of Nuclear Energy Use for Peaceful Purposes between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the United Kingdom's Office for Nuclear Regulation (previously the Health and Safety Executive of Great Britain).
Description: The arrangement is for the exchange of Information in the area of regulation of nuclear energy use for peaceful purposes
Date: April 2005
Amended: 2010 and 2015
Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Trade and Industry of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission concerning the Protection of Shared Classified Information
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: March 2005
United States
Memorandum of Cooperation on advanced reactor and small modular reactor technologies among the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the United Kingdom Officer for Nuclear Regulation.
Description: The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and U.K. Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) have signed a memorandum of cooperation (MOC).
This new agreement provides a framework for the exchange of information and sharing of best practices with the objective of strengthening collective regulatory effectiveness to ensure the safe and efficient deployment and operation of new nuclear technologies, as regulators adapt to a changing landscape in the nuclear sector.
The MOC was signed by CNSC acting CEO Ramzi Jammal, U.S. NRC Chair Christopher T. Hanson and U.K. ONR Chief Executive and Chief Nuclear Inspector Mark Foy in Rockland, Maryland, on March 12, 2024.
“The CNSC is pleased to sign our first trilateral MOC with longstanding partners, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.K. Office for Nuclear Regulation,” said Ramzi Jammal, acting CEO of the CNSC. “This provides a framework for the 3 nuclear regulators to work together to optimize collective skills, experience and knowledge. The agreement will help us discover greater regulatory efficiencies and strengthen the effectiveness of our reviews of advanced reactor technologies.”
Date: March 2024
Memorandum of Understanding between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the Exchange of Technical Information and Cooperation in Nuclear Safety Matters.
Description: The memorandum of understanding provides for the exchange of technical information and cooperation in nuclear safety matters (renewed).
Date: March 14, 2023
Description: The charter establishes the collaborative relationship and the overall work to be done by the CNSC and the U.S. NRC on the BWRX-300 small modular reactor design project. It enhances their current collaborative efforts under the existing memorandum of cooperation on advanced reactor and small modular reactor technologies.
Date: September 2022

Daniel H. Dorman, U.S. NRC Executive Director for Operations, and Ramzi Jammal, CNSC Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer, at the signing of the charter.
Description: This MOC aims to enhance technical reviews of advanced reactor and small modular reactor technologies.
Date: August 15, 2019
For more information on this MOC, please read our feature article.

CNSC President Rumina Velshi and U. S. NRC Chairman Kristine Svinicki sign the memorandum of cooperation during an official signing ceremony in Ottawa, Ontario.
Agreement for cooperation concerning civil uses of atomic energy between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada
Description: The NCA governs imports and exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
Date: July 1955
Amended on: August 1988
Administrative Arrangement Between the US Department of Energy and the Atomic Energy Control Board Pursuant to the Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Civil Uses of Atomic Energy Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada, as Amended
Description: The AA is pursuant to the Canada-United States NCA
Date: August 1987
Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation and Exchange of Information in Nuclear Security, Safeguards and Nonproliferation Matters between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the United States National Nuclear Security Administration
Description:The memorandum of understanding is for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear security, safeguards and nonproliferation matters
Date: October 2016
Memorandum of Cooperation Between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission for Import and Export of Certain Radioactive Sources
Description: The MOU provides for the regulatory harmonization of import and export control procedures pursuant to the IAEA Code and Guidance
Date: September 2010

CNSC President Michael Binder (Left) and Dr. Gregory B. Jaczko, (right) Chairman, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Arrangement between the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) and The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) for the exchange of technical information and cooperation in nuclear safety matters
Description: The MOU is for technical cooperation and exchange of information
Date: March 2007
Amended on: April 2012
News release: Canada signs memorandum of understanding to exchange nuclear regulatory information and training with the United States

CNSC President Michael Binder (left) and US NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko (right), Head of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Technical Arrangement for the Exchange of Classified Information between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Description: The arrangement is for the exchange of classified information between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Date: June 2009
Administrative Arrangement between the United States Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Jointly, and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for the Sharing of Information regarding the Joint Canada-United States Guide for approval of Type B(U) and Fissile Material Transportation Packages
Description: The arrangement is for the sharing of information regarding the Joint Canada-United States Guide for approval of Type B(U) and Fissile Material Transportation Packages
Date: September 2011

CNSC President Michael Binder (left) and US NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko (right), Head of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
For more information
- Government-Wide Forward Regulatory Plans
- The Cabinet Directive on Regulation
- Developing and improving federal regulations
- Canada–United States Regulatory Cooperation Council
To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and the Government of Canada’s Open Government website under the "Find a Consultation" option.
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