Update on the Rook I Project
NexGen Energy Ltd. (NexGen) is proposing to develop an underground uranium mine – the Rook I Project – located on the Patterson Lake peninsula in the southwestern Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan. The proposed project is approximately 155 kilometres north of the town of La Loche, Saskatchewan, within the traditional Treaty 8 territory, the Homeland of the Métis, and is within the traditional territories of the Dene, Cree, and Métis peoples.
Where we are now
In 2019, NexGen submitted a project description to provide a general overview of the proposed Rook I Project. From May 2 to June 1, 2019, CNSC staff sought comments from the public and Indigenous Nations and communities on the project description and posted CNSC staff’s responses to the comments received on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry. NexGen also submitted an initial licence application to prepare and construct the site, in which they provided a schedule for the submission of licensing documentation to CNSC staff. NexGen indicated their intent to conduct the environmental assessment (EA) and licensing process in parallel.
In February 2020, following the comment period on the project description, the Commission issued a record of decision for the proposed Rook I Project, stating that the EA will include the factors mandated within the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 but no additional factors.
In May 2020, in anticipation of the submission of the draft environmental impact statement (EIS), the CNSC offered participant funding to assist Indigenous Nations and communities and members of the public in reviewing and commenting on the draft EIS. NexGen submitted a draft EIS for the proposed project in June 2022. CNSC staff performed a conformity review of the draft EIS and found the submission has the required information for the technical review to proceed. A 90-day technical assessment and public comment period began on July 14, 2022.
In November 2022, following the technical assessment and public comment period, the Federal Indigenous Review Team (FIRT) completed a technical review of NexGen’s draft environmental impact statement (EIS). The FIRT review found that the information provided did not fully address the regulatory requirements for the environmental assessment (EA). The technical review resulted in 271 information requests (IRs), found in annex 1, and 40 comments giving advice to proponents, found in annex 2. In September 2023, NexGen submitted responses to FIRT information requests for the proposed Rook l Project to the CNSC. CNSC staff conducted a completeness check and determined that insufficient information was provided in order to proceed with a technical review. In October 2023, NexGen resubmitted responses to the FIRT’s IRs. CNSC staff conducted a completeness check and determined that outstanding IRs passed completeness and that supporting submissions were adequate to proceed to the EIS technical review.
In February 2024, the FIRT completed its technical review of the responses to IRs submitted by NexGen and found that the information provided did not fully address the regulatory requirements for the EA. The FIRT technical review of NexGen’s responses to the 274 IRs resulted in 171 accepted IRs and 103 IRs that were not accepted.
In May 2024, NexGen resubmitted a draft EIS package to the CNSC. In November 2024, the FIRT completed its technical review of revised draft EIS package submitted by NexGen and found that the information fully addressed the regulatory requirements for the EA. All responses to IRs and comments giving advice to the proponent were deemed as accepted.
On November 29, 2024, NexGen submitted a Final EIS package, including revised responses to the Consolidated Comments from Indigenous Nations and communities and the Public on the Rook I Project. Following an extended review period, on January 28, 2025, CNSC staff completed their review of NexGen’s submission and have deemed the final EIS to be acceptable.
Next steps
CNSC staff will proceed with the preparation of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 environmental assessment (EA) report, which will be made available for review by Indigenous Nations and communities and the public prior to a public Commission hearing.
For additional information and links to the final EIS documents, please see the public notice here. NexGen has also been submitting licensing documents since 2019, which have been undergoing CNSC staff review. NexGen must meet CNSC licensing requirements under the Uranium Mines and Mills Regulations, among other requirements, before CNSC staff may proceed to develop a Commission member document on licensing and EA matters. The Commission is the decision-making authority for both EA and licensing matters. Before making a decision on NexGen’s project, the Commission will hold a public hearing where members of the public and Indigenous Nations and communities can intervene.
Outreach and call to action
Members of the public and Indigenous Nations and communities were invited to share their views by providing comments on the draft EIS and technical supporting documents. These documents were available for public comment from July 14, 2022 to October 12, 2022, on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry’s Rook I Project page (reference number 80171). Written comments were also submitted to the Rook I mailbox: rook1@cnsc-ccsn.gc.ca
The public and Indigenous Nations and communities will be invited to review the Commission member document and EA report for the proposed Rook I Project prior to the public hearing, and to take part in the public hearing process via written and/or oral interventions. Hearing dates are to be determined and will be posted as soon as they become available.
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