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CNSC response to the article published in the Globe and Mail on March 23, 2021

The article titled “Nuclear regulator overlooked puzzling inspection data when renewing licence for Pickering plant, documents show” demonstrates how complex nuclear regulation is. However, some clarity must be provided.

At no time did CNSC staff overlook any data. They did their jobs – analyzing the data and models, and asking questions about them as required. Our staff are dedicated to keeping the community, workers and environment safe. They will never compromise safety and, if necessary, can shut down any nuclear facility or activity, in order to protect the public and the environment. We must absolutely challenge the data to make sure licensees operate safely.

In 2018, after a 5-day public hearing where the Commission heard from staff and intervenors, the Commission authorized Pickering Nuclear Generating Station to operate until December 2024, as long as it continues to demonstrate that it meets all safety requirements. Any operation beyond that date requires a public Commission licensing hearing and approval.

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