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Presentations 2022

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Presentations by CNSC President and CEO

NOV 9 - Remarks by President Velshi at the ICRP 2021+1 Symposium

On November 9, 2022, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a keynote address . Her remarks highlighted how unstated assumptions influence the decisions we make and the actions we take. She also offered her thoughts on how organizations like the ICRP and regulators, like the CNSC, can be more transparent with their thinking, and can work to build trust in their recommendations, decisions, and actions. She also spoke about her views on key focuses for the revision to the ICRP’s System of Radiological Protection, and the opportunities it offers to combine it with local considerations.

NOV 7 - Remarks by Rumina Velshi at the NEA Workshop

On November 7, 2022, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a keynote address at the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Workshop in Ottawa, Ontario. Her remarks highlighted the need to proactively address waste management and decommissioning during the lifecycle stages of small modular reactors as we prepare for the deployment of new nuclear technologies.

NOV 1 - Remarks by President Velshi at the International Conference on Disruptive, Innovative and Emerging Technologies (DIET) in the Nuclear Industry

On November 1, 2022, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a virtual keynote address at the Canadian Nuclear Society’s 3rd annual DIET conference. President Velshi’s remarks described the paradigm shift needed to ensure the safe and effective deployment of future nuclear technologies. She also highlighted the CNSC’s readiness to regulate DIET and the importance of international collaboration in this area.

OCT 4 - Remarks by Rumina Velshi at the 4th International Conference on Generation IV and Small Reactors (G4SR-4)

On October 4, 2022, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a keynote address at the G4SR-4 conference in Toronto, Ontario. Her remarks highlighted the regulator’s role in enabling an industry- and government-led paradigm shift for the deployment of small modular reactors.

JUL 21 - Presentation by President Velshi to Bruce Power Board of Directors

On July 21, 2022, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a presentation to the Bruce Power Board of Directors. President Velshi provided an overview of the CNSC and its ongoing strategic priorities, and discussed key priorities in 2022: transformation; radioactive waste; small modular reactor readiness; safety culture; equity, diversity and inclusion; and strengthening trust. She gave an update on the CNSC’s assessment of the Bruce Power sites and on the CNSC’s key files over the past year, including legislative initiatives, regulatory readiness, and the advancement of international collaboration. The President posed several questions to the Board, asking about Bruce Power’s plans for future low- and intermediate-level waste, its potential future projects, and how the Board and the organization’s executive levels maintain a safety culture.

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JUL 21 - Remarks by Rumina Velshi at the World Nuclear University Summer Institute

On July 21, 2022, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a keynote address to the graduating class of the World Nuclear University Summer Institute in Madrid. Her remarks highlighted 5 guiding principles for future leaders in the nuclear industry.

APR 13 - Remarks by Rumina Velshi at the 2022 Canadian Nuclear Association conference

On April 13, 2022, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered keynote remarks at the 2022 Canadian Nuclear Association conference. She spoke about the CNSC’s readiness to regulate small modular reactors (SMRs) and highlighted areas of focus for the successful deployment of SMRs in Canada.

APR 12 - Presentation by President Velshi to Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities

On April 12, 2022, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a presentation to the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities. She provided an overview of the CNSC and its ongoing strategic priorities, and discussed key priorities for 2022, such as radioactive waste and small modular reactors. She also provided an update on nuclear facilities and activities, as well as ongoing and proposed nuclear projects.
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APR 5 - Remarks by President Velshi at the United States Nuclear Industry Council Advanced Reactor Summit

On April 5, 2022, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered remarks at the United States Nuclear Industry Council Advanced Reactor Summit in Idaho. She provided an overview of the CNSC’s small modular reactor (SMR) readiness activities, including capacity building and pre-licensing activities. She also highlighted the importance of international harmonization and collaboration.

MAR 10 - Presentation by President Velshi to Ontario Power Generation Board of Directors

On March 10, 2022, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a presentation to the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Board of Directors. President Velshi provided an overview of the CNSC and its ongoing strategic priorities, as well as key priorities in 2022: transformation; radioactive waste; small modular reactor readiness; safety culture; equity, diversity and inclusion; and strengthening trust. She gave an update on the CNSC’s assessment of OPG’s sites and OPG’s ongoing or proposed nuclear projects. The presentation concluded with President Velshi highlighting areas for further discussion with the Board, including effective and efficient nuclear regulation, international collaboration and harmonization, the Ukraine situation, lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic for future challenges, and gaining public support and acceptance.

Presentation by President Velshi to Ontario Power Generation Board of Directors

MAR 3 - Remarks by President Velshi to the House of Commons Standing Committee ENVI

On March 3, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, appeared in front of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (ENVI) regarding a new study on the governance of nuclear waste in Canada.

Remarks by President Velshi to the House of Commons Standing Committee ENVI

FEB 24 - Presentation by President Velshi to nuclear sector CEO forum

On Thursday, February 24, 2022, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, gave a presentation at a nuclear sector CEO forum hosted by the Canadian Nuclear Association. The presentation discussed the CNSC’s perspective on deploying small modular reactors (SMRs). President Velshi highlighted the CNSC’s objective in regulating SMRs is to ensure safety at all times, while enhancing regulatory effectiveness and efficiency. President Velshi made a comparison with the licensing process in place 30 years ago, the last time a new nuclear reactor was built in Canada, noting the common element is a world-class regulator focused on safety. Our priorities for regulatory readiness for SMRs now and in the future include ensuring the regulatory framework is modern, robust, flexible, internationally aligned, performance-based and risk-informed, that the CNSC has the appropriate capacity, and strong international collaboration and harmonization. President Velshi stressed that it is important for project proponents to present highly robust and safe designs, engage with the CNSC early and often, establish realistic timelines, and gain social acceptance.

Presentation by President Velshi to nuclear sector CEO forum

Presentations by CNSC Senior Management

  • October 12, 2022 – Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs and Senior General Counsel, delivered “Regulating Uranium Mining and Production: Part of a National Nuclear Regulatory Statute” at the Nuclear Law Institute. She focused on the evolution of uranium mining regulations over the years, environmental impact assessments, the licensing process, and the duty to consult Indigenous groups.

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  • August 26, 2022 – Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs and Senior General Counsel, delivered “Regulating Uranium Production: Environmental Stewardship, Indigenous Consultation, Transparency” at the University of Montpellier International School of Nuclear Law. She focused on uranium mining regulations – past and present – in Canada, the environmental impact assessment process that predicts the effects of a proposal, the licensing process for uranium projects, and the duty to consult Indigenous groups whose rights may be affected by a decision of the Crown.

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  • August 24, 2022 – Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs and Senior General Counsel, delivered “The Convention on Nuclear Safety” at the University of Montpellier International School of Nuclear Law. The focus of the presentation was the Convention’s raison d’être, its nature, and its main objectives of nuclear safety, radiation protection and technical safety.

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  • July 1, 2022 – Ramzi Jammal, Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer, represented Canada and presented as head of the Canadian delegation at the Seventh Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. The Canadian delegation included government agencies and industry responsible for waste management.

    In his presentation, Mr. Jammal touched on Canada's responses to the challenges identified at a previous meeting, related to decommissioning and remediation, finding a site for spent fuel, and developing a waste management strategy.

    He also provided an update on planned measures to improve safety through the modernization of regulatory framework, implementation of the Impact Assessment Act and Ontario Power Generation's deep geological repository for waste. He also discussed plans for Canada during the next review cycle and reiterated Canada's commitment to the safe radioactive waste management.

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  • June 27, 2022 – Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs and Senior General Counsel, delivered “International Nuclear Law & Framework for National Regulation” while serving as a mentor at World Nuclear University - Summer Institute in Spain for 2 weeks. The session was designed to enable future leaders in the nuclear industry to identify the essentials of nuclear law; understand international legal instruments – safety, security, safeguards and liability; and articulate current challenges facing the regulatory framework.

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  • June 21, 2022 – Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs and Senior General Counsel, delivered “Nuclear Law 101” during the Canadian Nuclear Law Organization SMRs in Western Canada Seminar Series. As one of four expert panelists, Lisa provided an overview of nuclear law and demonstrated Canada’s readiness to regulate small modular reactors.

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  • May 18, 2022 – Ramzi Jammal, Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer, participated in the opening session panel at the World Nuclear Association’s 4th CORDEL Regional Workshop on harmonization to support the operation and new build of nuclear power plants, including small modular reactors (SMR). He shared our innovative approach to adapting the regulatory review process for SMRs, he highlighted our SMR readiness capability and capacity, and discussed our efforts on international collaboration and harmonization.

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  • May 9, 2022 – Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs and Senior General Counsel, delivered a presentation at George Washington University’s Environmental and Energy Law program conference for “Investable Nuclear Energy: Building a Secure, Safe, Environmentally and Socially Just, and Investable Nuclear Energy Fuel Supply Chain for the Future.” She focused on issues related to environmental stewardship, Indigenous consultation and transparency in regulating uranium production.

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  • April 27, 2022 – Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs and Senior General Counsel, delivered a presentation at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s First International Conference on Nuclear Law: The Global Debate. She spoke on legal considerations for regulating small modular reactors, national responsibilities and global readiness.

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  • April 7, 2022 – Ramzi Jammal, CNSC Executive Vice-President, spoke in Helsinki, Finland, at the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s Sixth International Conference on Geological Repositories: Advancing Geological Repositories from Concept to Operation. During a panel discussion on communicating uncertainty, he discussed: our continuous regulatory oversight over the lifecycle of geological repositories, our commitment to early and ongoing outreach and engagement; our focus on effectively communicating and clarifying issues around health and safety; our commitment to being a trusted and independent source of scientific information.

    Please send an email to request a copy of this presentation.

  • March 10, 2022 – Ramzi Jammal, Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer represented Canada on the Nuclear Regulation in the Global Approaches to Small Modular Reactor and Advanced Reactor Licensing panel at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Regulatory Information Conference. He shared our approach to regulating innovative technologies through rigorous regulatory oversight without impediment to innovation without compromising safety.

    Please send an email to request a copy of this presentation.

  • February 2022 – Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs and Senior General Counsel, delivered a presentation at the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s Fundamentals of International Nuclear Law conference. She discussed the instrumental role of the Convention on Nuclear Safety in international nuclear power plant safety and the critical function of transparent peer review. Please send an email to request a copy of this presentation.

Presentations by CNSC staff

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