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Blueprint 2020

The CNSC’s vision of being the best nuclear regulator in the world aligns well with the Blueprint 2020 vision of a world-class Public Service.

For the past few years, the CNSC has been working to achieve the Blueprint 2020 vision of a world-class Public Service equipped to serve Canada and Canadians now and in the future. CNSC staff are embracing innovation and engagement as the new business as usual, and progress has been and continues to be made on many levels.

In 2016, the CNSC celebrated 70 years of nuclear safety in Canada. Each year, the CNSC makes great strides in aligning its priorities with Blueprint 2020’s guiding principles:

  • an open and networked environment that engages citizens and partners for the public good
  • a whole-of-government approach that enhances service delivery and value for money
  • a modern workplace that makes smart use of new technologies to improve networking access to data and customer service
  • a capable, confident and high-performing workforce that embraces new ways of working and mobilizes the diversity of talent to service the country’s evolving needs

At the CNSC, we’ve weaved Blueprint 2020 into our organizational fabric. Blueprint 2020 is also part of our safety culture, as well as our plans and priorities. It’s engrained in how staff work, continually increasing cross-boundary collaboration, openness and transparency.

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