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Corporate planning and reporting

Learn about the CNSC’s accomplishments, performance, plans and priorities.

Corporate Plans

Departmental Plans

International Strategy

International Strategy

Financial and performance reporting

Departmental Results Reports, Annual Reports and financial statements

Internal audit and evaluation reports

Assessments and recommendations on the CNSC’s oversight of its regulation of the nuclear industry

Access to information and privacy

Application of the Access to Information Act, annual reports to Parliament

Employment equity

Annual employment equity reports that outline key measures taken to achieve employment equity


Disclosure of annual travel, hospitality and conference expenses

CNSC annual expenditures for travel, hospitality and conferences

Disclosure of travel expenses

Travel expenses for senior CNSC officials

Disclosure of hospitality expenses

Hospitality expenses for senior CNSC officials

Disclosure of contracts

Contracts over $10,000 issued by or on behalf of the CNSC

Disclosure of grants and contributions

Grants and contributions over $25,000 awarded by the CNSC

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