Audit and evaluation reports
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) conducts and undergoes internal audits and program evaluations to measure its effectiveness and to obtain advice on related projects.
Internal audit is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value to an organization’s operations.
Program evaluations help to measure success and identify priorities or areas of focus. They provide accurate, objective and factual information to assist the CNSC in making sound decisions.
The Joint Audit and Evaluation Cyber Security Oversight of Licensees was conducted in 2022–23 and the CNSC is addressing the audit recommendations. The results of the audit will not be published, in accordance with section 16(2)(c) of the Access to Information Act.
Contact us
You can request information about internal audits using the following methods.
Internal Audit, Evaluation and Ethics Division
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
280 Slater St
PO Box 1046 Stn B
Ottawa ON K1P 5S9
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