Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's Action Plan in Response to the Treasury Board Secretariat MAF Assessment
The action plan below includes a report on activities to which progress (as of February 2008) has been made to date. In November 2008, the CNSC will provide a status report to reflect further developments and progress on other elements and observations of the MAF assessment.
MAF Indicator |
TBS Rating |
CNSC Action Plan and Progress |
Integrity of the Corporate Management Structure Extent to which the accountability of senior officials and internal decision-making structures is aligned to the organization's strategic outcomes. Extent to which Reports on Plans and Priorities (RPP) and Departmental Performance Reports (DPR) are aligned and based on the approved Management Resources and Results Structure (MRRS). |
Opportunity for Improvement |
Review of the governance structure and terms of reference for all its committees to clarify their roles, responsibilities and accountability, and to strengthen follow-up mechanisms for tracking action items.
Include changes to DPR and RPP, wherever required, to ensure that the language and structure of the MRRS is clarified as a basis for reporting.
Development of the DPR for the period ending March 2007 and the RPP for 2008-09 based on the CNSC Program Activity Architecture.
Development of a new performance measurement framework as part of the full implementation of the MRRS policy and inclusion of the indicators of performance in the 2008-09 RPP as the basis for measuring results.
Quality of Programs and Policy Analysis Accuracy and reliability of supporting information in Memorandum to Committee's and Treasury Board Submissions. Quality, adequacy and soundness of analysis. Presence of a quality control process on MCs and TB Submissions and the extent of its rigor and effectiveness. |
Opportunity for Improvement |
Development of a new Timeline Management Framework to ensure the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) receives TB Submissions in a timely and complete fashion for their analysis by using a project management approach, which includes sharing plans and pre-consultations with TBS, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), and other central agencies.
Commitment to maintain regular dialogue, ongoing liaisons and partake sooner into pre-consultations with TBS and NRCan on specific initiatives.
The CNSC staff attends all TBS driven training currently offered, including training relating to Expenditure Management System.
Quality and Use of Evaluation Progress in moving toward a full coverage of the organization's program base on a five-year cycle. Neutrality of evaluation, with increased focus on program improvement and value for money - including program performance and relevance. Extent to which evaluations are used to support decision-making in the organization. |
Opportunity for Improvement |
Development of an Evaluation risk-based plan
Review of the scope of the CNSC's evaluation coverage and the impact of a higher level of organizational program expenditures.
Establishment of a system to track and monitor the implementation of recommendations/follow-up action plans, to ensure that these are properly implemented and reported to the CNSC's Audit and Evaluation Committee.
Integration, Use and Reporting of Performance Information Extent to which integrated management information from financial, human resources, payroll, asset and real property, as well as program performance information systems are readily accessible for corporate decision-making. Extent to which clear and integrated performance expectations in the Reports on Plans and Priorities are tracked and reported on in the Departmental Performance Report. Extent to which public performance reports integrate credible performance information (beyond activities and outputs). |
Opportunity for Improvement |
Development of business processes for integrated planning to support planning for fiscal year 2009-2010.
The development of processes for performance management.
Development of an enabling IT toolset to integrate financial and human resources, and program performance information to inform decision-making.
Report the CNSC results on its program activities and improve on its balanced reporting.
Effectiveness of Corporate Risk Management Level of engagement of senior executives in corporate risk management. Current levels of corporate risk assessments and profiles. Extent to which corporate planning is risk-informed. Risk Mitigation strategies currently in place for key program and corporate risks. |
Opportunity for Improvement |
Development of a “risk governance” project with the objectives of identifying corporate risks and establishing mechanisms to monitor the organization's risk management activities so that they properly address and mitigate identified strategic risks. This includes: Surveys and interviews with CNSC Management to determine risk areas, their potential impacts and the organizations' tolerance of the risks.
The development of a risk profile including risk management gap analysis and mitigation measures.
The development of a process for integrated risk management into organizational planning.
Effectiveness of Information Management Extent to which critical information is secure, and an effective privacy regime is in place, monitored and managed. |
Opportunity for Improvement |
Review of all personal information holdings to ensure that the CNSC's Registered Personal Information Banks accurately reflect information holdings.
Effectiveness of Internal Audit Function Quality of audit plans (risk-based, appropriate approvals, methodology, continuity with previous years, adequacy of detail on activities and costs). Quality of Internal Audit Reporting (adequacy of contextual information, adequate support for “expression of opinion”, timeliness of delivery, public disclosure and follow-up). Progress in implementing the Internal Audit Policy (evidence of sustained management engagement, appropriate approval of the Audit Committee's terms of reference or charter and strategic plan, an Audit Committee with appropriate chair and DM/OCG approved membership). |
Attention Required |
Revision of CNSC's current plan and development of an Internal Audit risk-based plan.
Establish a system to track and monitor the implementation of recommendations/follow-up on action plans to ensure that they are properly implemented and report these results to the CNSC's Audit and Evaluation Committee.
The CNSC's internal audit reports contain action plans to address audit recommendations. These reports and their related action plans have been reviewed and approved by the CNSC's Audit and Evaluation Committee.
Development of an internal audit policy and its implementation plan consistent with the Treasury Board Secretariat Policy on Internal Audit.
Identification of three external audit committee members by the Office of Comptroller General (OCG).
Review of the existing charter for CNSC's Audit and Evaluation Committee.
Below are areas which the indicator as a whole was not rated or received an “Acceptable” rating but sections of these indicators received an “Opportunity for Improvement” rating.
MAF Indicator |
TBS Rating |
CNSC Action Plan and Progress |
Extent to which the Workplace is Fair, Enabling, Healthy and Safe Number and percentage of supervisors who meet bilingualism requirements. |
Unrated |
Enhancement of CNSC's language training strategy to ensure that 78% of its supervisors are bilingual.
Effective Procurement Level of oversight of procurement and contracting functions (e.g. presence of a Contract Review Committee, quality of contracting data, timely completion of disclosure information for contracts over $10,000, the implementation of audit recommendations where applicable etc.). |
Acceptable |
Development of Terms of Reference and establishment of a Contract Review Committee.
Inclusion of an internal audit on contracting in the 2007- risk based 3-year audit plan.
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