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Terms of Reference for Engagement and Collaboration Arrangement between the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities

1. Introduction

1.1. These terms of reference are intended to outline a framework for future engagement and collaboration between the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities (CANHC) and Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) (henceforth, “the parties”).

1.2. CNSC, as Canada’s independent nuclear regulator, disseminates objective scientific, technical, and regulatory information to the public and can support CANHC in building capacity and knowledge on nuclear matters.

1.3. CANHC is a not-for-profit association that supports local governments by acting as a resource for all current, future, and interested nuclear host communities, while maintaining the best interests of their communities in an ongoing proactive relationship with the Canadian nuclear regulator.

2. Purpose and Objective

2.1. To facilitate the exchange of information between CNSC and CANHC and to consider and be responsive to issues of interest or concern to both parties related to the development, production, and use of nuclear energy and nuclear substances.

2.2. To support CANHC in their activities and programs aimed at better understanding their communities’ values and concerns regarding the development, production, and use of nuclear energy and nuclear substances in existing and, where applicable, emerging nuclear host communities.

2.3. To support CNSC’s organizational goals of building trust and relationships with stakeholders across the nuclear sector, and to help CNSC in improving its engagement and outreach efforts.

2.4. To support CANHC’s organizational goal of increasing its capacity and knowledge on nuclear matters to improve resources available to their membership.

3. Membership

3.1. CNSC staff membership will consist of the CNSC’s Co-Chair, CNSC Stakeholder Relations management, and support staff. Participation of other CNSC staff subject-matter experts in Forum meetings will depend on the agenda items agreed upon by both parties for each meeting.

3.2. CANHC membership will consist of CANHC members serving as representatives of host communities. Officially designated representatives of CANHC may include elective officials and Local Government staff as seen fit by CANHC members.

3.3. Interested representatives from potential future host communities who are not members of CANHC but have a demonstrated interest in nuclear issues and the possibility of becoming a host community in the future may attend meetings as observers if neither party objects. Neither party will unreasonably object to a potential future host community observing meetings. Notice of observers’ attendance should be provided to all meeting participants at least two (2) weeks in advance of any meeting.

4. Semi-Annual Meetings and Annual Workplans

4.1. Semi-annual meetings will be managed and co-chaired by a CNSC representative at the Director or Director General level and a representative appointed by the CANHC.  If either Co-Chair is unable to attend a meeting, that Co-Chair will designate another member of their organization to attend the meeting in their place and inform the other participants.

4.2. Secretariat support for meetings will be provided by CNSC staff.

4.3. Meeting topics will be determined collaboratively by CANHC members and CNSC staff prior to the meeting. 

4.4. For reasons of geographical equity and to reduce both the expenditure of taxpayer funds and carbon footprints, some meetings may be held remotely through generally accessible videoconferencing services for which the CNSC holds an account or licence, and that CANHC representatives can readily access (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams).  However, at least one (1) meeting each year can take place in person at the CNSC Offices at 280 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario, if agreed to by CANHC members. All meetings will include the option to participate virtually.

4.5. Annual Workplans will be co-developed between CNSC and CANHC to serve as the basis for collaboration, capacity support, and potential community resources on nuclear matters.

4.6. CNSC and CANHC will identify staff or points of contact who will co-manage the co-developed Annual Workplan objectives and deliverables. Identified staff will attend working level meetings required to support outcomes.

4.7. CANHC and CNSC will create a process for meeting and managing the co-developed workplan deliverables relating to both parties.

5. Monetary Support for CANHC

5.1. Compensatory support for meetings will be mutually agreed upon where applicable, re some reimbursement for meeting recipients for eligible travel and accommodation expenses, for which receipts will be required.

5.2. The CNSC can work with CANHC to consider potential funding opportunities through the CNSC’s Indigenous and Capacity Stakeholder Fund to support building capacity within CANHC. This could include a CANHC coordinator resource, and/or resources to support the development and implementation of an Annual Workplan tied to the goals and objectives of these terms of reference.

6. Review and Amendment

6. 1. These Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually by representatives from the CNSC and CANHC members to determine if any amendments are required or appropriate.

6.2. These Terms of Reference may be amended with the agreement of both parties.

Signed on October 20, 2023, by:

Adrian Foster
Mayor of Clarington and Chair of the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities


Clare Cattryse
Director of Indigenous and Stakeholder Relations
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

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