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REGDOC-3.6, Glossary of CNSC Terminology - Glossary - V

validated computational technique (technique de calcul validée)

With respect to nuclear criticality safety, a calculation technique that has been validated in conformance with the CNSC’s guidance for nuclear criticality safety.

validation (validation)

The process of checking or proving the accuracy of a model, method or procedure against expected requirements.


For human factors, the process of determining the degree to which a human–machine system design and supporting mechanisms facilitate the achievement of overall safety and operational goals.


For emergency preparedness, an evaluation using performance-based tests to determine whether the integrated design of a system (equipment, procedure and personnel elements) meets performance requirements and acceptably supports safe operations.

valued component(VC) (composante valorisée [CV])

Environmental features that may be affected by a project and that have been identified to be of concern by the proponent, government agencies, Aboriginal peoples or the public. (Source: Practitioners Glossary for the Environmental Assessment of Designated Projects Under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 [1])

Note 1: The value of a component not only relates to its role in the ecosystem, but also to the value people place on it. For example, it may have been identified as having scientific, social, cultural, economic, historical, archaeological or aesthetic importance. For the purposes of [the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA 2012)], valued components are selected in relation to section 5 of CEAA 2012 and taking into account direction provided by the responsible authority, or in the case of an EA by review panel, by the [Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency] or the Minister [of Environment and Climate Change]. (Source: Practitioners Glossary for the Environmental Assessment of Designated Projects Under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 [1])

Note 2: VCs are selected from the abiotic and biotic information collected as part of the baseline characterization. They may be surrogate organisms rather than actual plant or animal species (for example, a theoretical benthic feeding fish species), communities (for example, a benthic macroinvertebrate community) or specific species (for example, an endangered species), but may also include significant ecological features of the environment, such as wetlands.

valued ecosystem component (VEC) (composante valorisée de l’écosystème [CVE])

See valued component.


See valued component.


See valued component.

vehicle (véhicule)

Means any means of air, water or land transport, and includes railway equipment within the meaning assigned to that expression by subsection 4(1) of the Railway Safety Act. (Source: Nuclear Safety and Control Act)

vehicle portal (sas pour véhicule)

A structure situated on the perimeter of a protected area that is enclosed on the sides and consists of two movable gates, separated by a space sufficiently large to accommodate land vehicles having an operational requirement to enter the area. (Source: Nuclear Security Regulations )

vendor/contractor (fournisseur/entrepreneur)

A person who is either contracted by a licensee to develop or deliver training, or who delivers training to a licensee's staff with the intent that a required qualification would be granted upon completion of the training.

verification (vérification)

The act of reviewing, checking or inspecting to confirm that specified requirements have been met.


For human factors, the process of demonstrating that equipment and systems have been designed as specified, and that adherence to human factors guidelines has been maintained.

verified knowledge base (base de connaissances vérifiées)

A knowledge base that has confirmed that the information within meets the quality standards of the organization.

verified positive drug test (test de dépistage de drogues positif)

With respect to fitness for duty, a drug test result issued by a laboratory accredited by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and which has undergone review by a medical review officer who has determined that it is a positive test result for which no legitimate medical explanation has been provided. See also accredited laboratory; medical review officer.

version-controlled document (document contrôlé)

With respect to reporting requirements for nuclear power plants, a document that is subject to version control due to its inclusion in the licence conditions handbook. Note: Such documents include regulatory documents or Canadian and international standards as referenced in the licence (and may include documents or Canadian and international standards that require transition). Version-controlled documents may also include key licensee documents, such as documents requiring consent of change (as per a licence condition). Each version-controlled document includes a unique identifier that can be clearly referenced.

vessel (colonne [ou réservoir])

Any seagoing vessel or inland waterway craft used for carrying cargo.


With respect to nuclear criticality safety, a container designed to hold a solution, including any volume within which criticality control is provided by Raschig rings.

violation (violation)

Failure to comply with:

  • a provision of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA) or the regulations made under the NSCA
  • an order or decision made under the NSCA
  • a licence term or condition
vital area (zone vitale)

An area inside a protected area containing equipment, systems, devices or a nuclear substance, the sabotage of which would or would likely pose an unreasonable risk to the health and safety of persons arising from exposure to radiation. (Source: Nuclear Security Regulations )

VSLORC (perte très lente de contrôle de la réactivité)

very slow loss of reactivity control

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