Environmental assessments
Environmental assessments (EAs) help guide the decision-making process and implementation of a proposed nuclear project before it is licensed. The Government of Canada enacted the Impact Assessment Act in 2019 to update its assessment process, but the CNSC still has several projects undergoing federal EAs that are following the process established under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (CEAA 2012).
Assessing the environmental impacts of projects is done to ensure that:
- proposed projects are carefully reviewed before federal authorities take action, and will not cause significant negative environmental effects
- significant negative environmental effects are prevented or mitigated in the area surrounding the project.
- federal and provincial governments cooperate and coordinate assessments and focus on enhanced communication and cooperation with Indigenous communities
- the public can participate in the process
Reference materials:
- The Regulations Designating Physical Activities identify the types of physical activities that constitute the “designated projects" that may require an EA under CEAA 2012.
- The Generic Guidelines for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement outline the requirements for an environmental impact statement (EIS). An EIS is a report written by a licensee or applicant that presents the technical studies and findings related to an EA.
Province | Location | Proponent | Project | EA type | Registry reference number | Status |
Ontario | Tiverton | Bruce Power Inc. | Bruce C Nuclear Project | Integrated Impact Assessment | 88771 | Ongoing |
Manitoba | Pinawa | Canadian Nuclear Laboratories | In situ decommissioning of the Whiteshell Reactor #1 | CEAA 2012 designated project | 80124 | Ongoing |
Ontario | Deep River | Global First Power | Micro Modular Reactor Project | CEAA 2012 designated project | 80182 | On hold |
Ontario | Deep River | Canadian Nuclear Laboratories | Near Surface Disposal Facility Project | CEAA 2012 designated project | 80122 | Ongoing |
Ontario | Rolphton | Canadian Nuclear Laboratories | Nuclear Power Demonstration Closure Project | CEAA 2012 designated project | 80121 | Ongoing |
Saskatchewan | Wheeler River | Denison Mines Corporation | Wheeler River project | CEAA 2012 designated project | 80178 | Ongoing |
Saskatchewan | Patterson Lake | NexGen Energy Ltd. | Rook I project | CEAA 2012 designated project | 80171 | Ongoing |
Saskatchewan | Moon Lake | Cameco Corporation | Postponed – Millennium Mine Project | CEAA 2012 designated project | 09-03-49928 | Ongoing |
Nova Scotia | Halifax | Dalhousie University | Decommissioning of SLOWPOKE-2 reactor facility | Screening | 05-01-12199 | Completed |
New Brunswick | Point Lepreau | NB Power | Solid radioactive waste management facility | Screening | 27931 | Completed |
Quebec | Bécancour | Hydro-Québec | Modifications to the Gentilly radioactive waste management facilities and refurbishment of the Gentilly-2 nuclear power station | Screening | 35287 | Completed |
Quebec | Chibougamau | Strateco Resources Inc. | Matoush Exploration Project | Comprehensive study | 08-00-46115 | Completed |
Ontario | Chalk River | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) | Decommissioning of the fuel storage and handling bays at Chalk River Laboratories | Screening | 16692 | Completed |
Ontario | Chalk River | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) | Transfer and storage of radioactive liquid waste | Screening | 38942 | Completed |
Ontario | Chalk River | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) | Decommissioning of heavy water upgrading plant at Chalk River Laboratories | Screening | 31931 | Completed |
Ontario | Clarington | Ontario Power Generation (OPG) | Darlington used fuel dry storage facility | Screening | 29276 | Completed |
Ontario | Deloro | Ontario Ministry of Environment | Deloro Mine consolidation site remediation | Screening | 36265 | Completed |
Ontario | Elliot Lake | Rio Algom Ltd. | Proposed operation of a radioactive waste facility | Screening | 16615 | Completed |
Ontario | Ottawa | MDS Nordion | Waste diversion proposal | Screening | 38418 | Completed |
Ontario | Peterborough | Shield Source Inc. | Change in disposal of aqueous liquid waste | Screening | 35374 | Completed |
Ontario | Pickering | Ontario Power Generation (OPG) | Pickering waste management facility | Screening | 33828 | Completed |
Ontario | Pickering | Ontario Power Generation (OPG) | Resumption of power operation of a nuclear reactor facility | Screening | 18822 | Completed |
Ontario | Port Granby | Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office | NRCan's Port Granby long-term LLRW management project | Screening | 30615 | Completed |
Ontario | Port Hope | Pine Street Extension approval to expand the current facility by 100% | Screening | 18999 | Completed | |
Ontario | Port Hope | Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office | NRCan's Port Hope Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project | Screening | 30619 | Completed |
Ontario | Tiverton | Ontario Power Generation (OPG) | Construction and operation of additional low-level storage buildings at the Western Waste Management Facility | Screening | 39121 | Completed |
Ontario | Tiverton | Ontario Power Generation (OPG) | Construction of a transportation package maintenance building | Screening | 35879 | Completed |
Ontario | Tiverton | Bruce Power Inc. | Restart of Bruce A nuclear generating station, units 3 and 4 | Screening | 29271 | Completed |
Ontario | Tiverton | Ontario Power Generation (OPG) | Proposed construction and operation of additional storage at Bruce nuclear power development radioactive waste operations site 2 | Screening | 19002 | Completed |
Ontario | Tiverton | Bruce Power | Bruce heavy water plant decommissioning | Comprehensive Study | 16968 | Completed |
Ontario | Whitby | Isomedix Corp. | Operation of the existing Isomedix industrial irradiator | Screening | 26486 | Completed |
Ontario | Blind River | Cameco Corporation | Proposed increase in production at the Blind River Refinery | Screening | 05-01-12540 | Completed |
Ontario | Blind River | Cameco Corporation | Proposed modifications to the operation of the Blind River refinery incinerator | Screening | 04-01-8407 | Completed |
Ontario | Bowmanville | Ontario Power Generation | Proposal to construct and operate new nuclear power plant | Review Panel | 07-05-29525 | Completed |
Ontario | Bowmanville | Ontario Power Generation (OPG) | Refurbishment and continued operation of the Darlington nuclear generating station | Screening | 11-01-62516 | Completed |
Ontario | Chalk River | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) | Decommissioning of a plutonium tower at Chalk River Laboratories | Screening | 04-01-6513 | Completed |
Ontario | Chalk River | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) | National Research Universal (NRU) reactor long-term management project | Screening | 09-01-46668 | Completed |
Ontario | Chalk River | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) | Proposed construction and operation of a bulk materials landfill | Screening | 07-01-29999 | Completed |
Ontario | Chalk River | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) | Decommissioning of a pool test reactor at Chalk River Laboratories | Screening | 04-01-6315 | Completed |
Ontario | Chalk River | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) | Proposed construction and operation of a shielded modular above-ground storage project at Chalk River Laboratories | Screening | 05-01-9335 | Completed |
Ontario | Chalk River | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) | Proposal for the continued operation of the National Research Universal (NRU) reactor at Chalk River Laboratories | Screening | 04-01-8269 | Completed |
Ontario | Chalk River | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) | Proposed construction and operation of a fuel packaging and storage facility at Chalk River Laboratories | Screening | 05-01-9148 | Completed |
Ontario | Elliot Lake | Denison Mines Inc. | Installation of berms at the decommissioned Stanrock Mine | Screening | 06-01-17616 | Completed |
Ontario | Elliot Lake | Rio Algom Ltd. | Replacement of the Stanleigh Mine treatment facility | Screening | 06-01-17079 | Completed |
Ontario | Peterborough | GE-Hitachi | Proposed addition of a low enriched uranium fuel bundle manufacturing line | Screening | 07-01-26561 | Completed |
Ontario | Pickering | Ontario Power Generation (OPG) | Refurbishment and continued operation of the Pickering Units 4 to 8 nuclear generating station | Screening | 06-01-21226 | Completed |
Ontario | Pickering | Ontario Power Generation (OPG) | Guaranteed defuelled state of Pickering Units 2 and 3 | Screening | 08-01-37538 | Completed |
Ontario | Port Hope | Zircatec Precision Industries Inc. | Proposed slightly enriched uranium CANDU fuel production | Screening | 06-01-23099 | Completed |
Ontario | Port Hope | Cameco Corporation | Redevelopment of the Port Hope Conversion Facility (Vision 2010) | Comprehensive Study | 06-03-22672 | Completed |
Ontario | Tiverton | Ontario Power Generation (OPG) | Construction and operation of facilities for refurbishment waste storage (RWS) at the Western Waste Management Facility | Screening | 04-01-8208 | Completed |
Ontario | Tiverton | Bruce Power | Proposed use of slightly enriched uranium (SEU) fuel at the Bruce B nuclear generating station | Screening | 04-01-591 | Completed |
Ontario | Tiverton | Bruce Power | Bruce A refurbishment for life extension and continued operation | Screening | 04-01-8081 | Completed |
Manitoba | Pinawa | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) | Proposed decommissioning of Whiteshell Laboratories | Comprehensive Study | 18737 | Completed |
Nunavut | Kivalliq | AREVA Resources Canada Inc. | The Kiggavik Project | Part 5 review under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (led by the Nunavut Impact Review Board) | N/A | Completed |
Saskatchewan | Cigar Lake and McClean Lake | COGEMA Resources Inc. and Cameco Corp. | Cigar Lake waste rock disposal in Sue C pit | Screening | 19651 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | Cluff Lake | COGEMA Resources Inc. | Decommissioning of Cluff Lake uranium facility | Comprehensive Study | 18738 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | Waterbury Lake | Cameco Corporation | Construction and operation of the Cigar Lake uranium mine | Screening | 36620 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | Gunnar Mine Site | Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) | Former Gunnar Mining Limited site rehabilitation project | EA under CEAA 2012 | 07-03-30100 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | Key Lake | Cameco Corporation | Mill Services Project | Screening | 08-01-40614 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | Key Lake | Cameco Corporation | Key Lake Extension Project | Screening | 55518 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | McClean Lake | AREVA Resources Canada Inc. | The Midwest Project: mining and milling | Comprehensive Study | 06-03-17519 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | McClean Lake | AREVA Resources Canada Inc. | Continuation of mining and milling at McClean Lake operation: Development of Caribou deposit | Screening | 07-01-25553 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | McClean Lake | COGEMA Resources Inc. | Mining Sue E ore proposal | Screening | 03-01-2013 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | McClean Lake | AREVA Resources Canada Inc. | Ferric sulphate production at McClean Lake | Screening | 06-01-17277 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | McClean Lake | AREVA Resources Canada Inc | Receipt and processing of McArthur River Ore at the McClean Lake Operation Project | Screening | 10-01-53814 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | Rabbit Lake | Cameco Corp. and COGEMA Resources Inc. | Rabbit Lake solution processing project | Screening | 05-01-9129 | Completed |
Saskatchewan | Waterbury Lake | Cameco Corporation | Cigar Lake Water Inflow Management Project | Screening | 09-01-46666 | Completed |
Ontario | Clarington | The Iter International Fusion Energy Institute | Iter facility | Screening | 27068 | Cancelled |
Ontario | Mississauga | Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL) | Monitoring and possession at Lakeshore contaminated soil storage mound | Screening | 35298 | Cancelled |
Ontario | Port Hope | Cameco Corporation | Construction and operation of blending circuits for commercial production of slightly enriched uranium (SEU) and blended dysprosium uranium (BDU) | Screening | 37399 | Cancelled |
Ontario | Brampton | Mississauga Metals & Alloys Inc. (MM&A) | Installation and operation of an incinerator and the continued operation of the recycling of radioactive contaminated metals | Screening | 04-01-4079 | Cancelled |
Ontario | Nanticoke | Bruce Power Erie | Proposal to Construct and Operate New Nuclear Power Plant | Comprehensive Study | 08-03-43757 | Cancelled |
Ontario | Ottawa | Best Theratronics Limited | Best Theratronics Class 1B License Application | n/a | 80022 | Cancelled |
Ontario | Ottawa | MDS Nordion | Waste diversion program for nuclear medicine radiopharmaceutical operations | Screening | 05-01-9236 | Cancelled |
Ontario | Pickering | Ontario Power Generation | Safe Storage of Pickering A Units 2 and 3 | Screening | 07-01-32411 | Cancelled |
Ontario | Tiverton | Bruce Power | Bruce Power - Proposal to Construct and Operate New Nuclear Power Plant (application withdrawn) | Joint Review Panel | 07-03-25738 | Cancelled |
Ontario | Tiverton | Ontario Power Generation | Proposal to construct and operate a deep geologic repository for disposal of low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes | Joint Review Panel | 06-05-17520 | Cancelled |
Saskatchewan | Cigar Lake | Processing Cigar Lake phase I ore at Rabbit Lake | Comprehensive study | 17883 | Cancelled | |
Saskatchewan | Key Lake | Cameco Corporation | Uranium recycle project | Screening | 36525 | Cancelled |
Saskatchewan | McClean Lake | COGEMA Resources Inc. | Operation of the McClean Lake mine and mill project | Screening | 37074 | Cancelled |
Saskatchewan | Key Lake | Cameco Corporation | Increase to flow from the reverse osmosis plant | Screening | 06-01-21836 | Cancelled |
Saskatchewan | Saskatoon | COGEMA Resources Inc. and Cameco Corporation | Transfer of Cigar Lake Ore and JEB mill expansion | Screening | 04-01-3208 | Cancelled |
Alberta | Fort McMurray | Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL) | Possession and monitoring of contaminated soil | Screening | 35296 | Cancelled |
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