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Presentations 2021

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Presentations by CNSC President and CEO

NOV 15 - Remarks by President Velshi at the Generation IV & Small Reactors (G4SR-3) Virtual Summit

On November 15, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a keynote address at the G4SR-3 Summit. During her keynote, President Velshi spoke about our readiness to regulate small modular reactors and other new technologies. Nuclear security, regulatory efficiency, engagement and international collaboration are all key to ensuring this readiness. Executive Vice-President Ramzi Jammal also highlighted our modern regulatory framework and the importance of international cooperation efforts in advancing regulatory harmonization.

SEP 24 - Presentation by CNSC President Velshi to Ontario Power Generation's Board of Directors

On September 24, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, and Ramzi Jammal, Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer, delivered a presentation to Ontario Power Generation's Board of Directors. They highlighted the CNSC's key regulatory expectations and readiness to regulate small modular reactors, and spoke about its international collaboration in this realm. The presentation concluded with an overview and clarification of CNSC licensing processes.

Presentation to the Board of Directors of Ontario Power Generation

SEP 8 - Remarks by President Rumina Velshi at the World Nuclear Association Symposium 2021: Prospects for Small Modular Reactors

On September 8, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a keynote address on the prospects for small modular reactors at the World Nuclear Association’s annual symposium. She provided the CNSC’s perspective on the need for greater international harmonization and coordination in the regulation of nuclear energy, and with respect to emerging technology.

SEP 1 - Presentation by CNSC President Velshi to SaskPower’s Board of Directors

On September 1, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a presentation to SaskPower’s Board of Directors. She provided an overview of CNSC priorities and an update on activities to increase the CNSC’s readiness to regulate small modular reactors. She also discussed expectations in terms of building trust, particularly with Indigenous groups, host communities and potential host communities.

Presentation to the Board of Directors of SaskPower

AUG 17 - Remarks by President Rumina Velshi at the Palo Verde Women in Nuclear Leadership Symposium

On August 17, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered remarks at the Palo Verde Women in Nuclear Leadership Symposium. In her remarks, she discussed the essential role that leaders play in the success of diversity and inclusion efforts. The fundamentals of nuclear safety – including safety culture and emergency preparedness – are better achieved by diverse teams who bring forward a variety of perspectives.

JUL 26 - Remarks by President Rumina Velshi at the World Nuclear University Strategic Leadership Academy: Managing Your Nuclear Power Plant for the Long Term

On July 26, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered remarks at the World Nuclear University Strategic Leadership Academy. In her remarks, she outlined the important role leaders play in fostering a strong and robust safety culture, and in ensuring that diversity and inclusion efforts succeed. She encouraged future leaders to demonstrate agility, always be prepared for the unexpected and make timely decisions.

JUL 22 - Presentation by President Rumina Velshi to Bruce Power’s Board of Directors

On July 22, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a presentation to Bruce Power’s Board of Directors. She provided updates on the CNSC’s areas of focus, spoke about the importance of strong leadership to maintain a robust corporate safety culture, and of the need for operators to continue to meet regulatory requirements while achieving high levels of safety performance.

Presentation to the Board of Directors of Bruce Power (PDF)

JUN 2 - Remarks by President Rumina Velshi at the Joint Canada–UK Workshop on Diversity and Inclusivity in the Nuclear Sector

On June 2, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered remarks at the Joint Canada–UK Workshop on Diversity and Inclusivity in the Nuclear Sector. In her remarks, she spoke about the need for concrete action to achieve gender parity in nuclear.

MAY 25 - Presentation by President Rumina Velshi to the Executive Committee of the Canadian Nuclear Association

On May 25, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a presentation to the Executive Committee of the Canadian Nuclear Association. Highlighting the CNSC's organizational priorities and expectations, she emphasized in the meeting how important and necessary it is for proponents to engage early with Indigenous communities and the public in order to build meaningful relationships and achieve social acceptance for proposed projects.

Presentation to the Executive Committee of the Canadian Nuclear Association (PDF)

APR 27 - Remarks by President Rumina Velshi on recent public questions about pressure tubes at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station

On April 27, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, addressed the recent public questions around the safety of Pickering pressure tubes. She emphasized the independence of the Commission whose decisions are guided by science and fact, not guesswork, conjecture or politics.

Watch the video

APR 15 - Remarks by CNSC President Rumina Velshi at the Global America Business Institute

On April 15, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered keynote remarks on international regulatory coordination in nuclear energy innovation during a panel discussion at the Global America Business Institute. In her remarks, she emphasized the paramount need for international coordination in nuclear energy regulation.

MAR 25 - Remarks by CNSC President Rumina Velshi at the U.S. Nuclear Industry Council – Advanced Reactors Summit VIII

On March 25, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered keynote remarks on the CNSC’s priorities and role in regulating advanced reactor technologies at the Advanced Reactors Summit VIII. In her remarks, she discussed the CNSC’s response to the pandemic and its regulatory readiness for innovation, as well as leadership in the areas of international harmonization of regulatory requirements and trust building.

MAR 15 - Presentation by President Rumina Velshi to the Ontario Power Generation’s Board of Directors

On March 11, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered a presentation to Ontario Power Generation’s Board of Directors highlighting the CNSC’s organizational priorities and expectations. She stressed the importance of fostering and continuously improving a strong safety culture.

Presentation to the Board of Directors of Ontario Power Generation (PDF)

MAR 5 - Remarks by President Velshi on nuclear safety post-Fukushima to Harvard’s Belfer Center

On March 5, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered remarks on nuclear safety post-Fukushima to Harvard’s Belfer Center. She commented on how the Fukushima accident revealed opportunities to further strengthen nuclear regulation in Canada.

FEB 11 - Remarks by President Rumina Velshi at the OECD NEA meeting on improving gender balance in nuclear energy

On February 11, 2021, Rumina Velshi, CNSC President and CEO, delivered remarks at the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency meeting on improving gender balance in nuclear energy . In her remarks, she spoke about the need for real and meaningful action to improve gender balance in the nuclear sector.

Presentations by CNSC Senior Management

  • February 2021 – Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs and Senior General Counsel, delivered a lecture as part of the 2021 International School of Nuclear Law. She discussed the Convention on Nuclear Safety, its origins and its influence on international safety. Please send an email to request a copy of this presentation.
  • July 2021 – Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs and Senior General Counsel, delivered a presentation at the World Nuclear University’s Strategic Leadership Academy. She shared her expertise with the fellows as a mentor and presenter. Please send an email to request a copy of this presentation.
  • September 2021 – Lisa Thiele, Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs and Senior General Counsel, shared her expertise on uranium regulation — specifically uranium mining, transportation, trade and control – in a presentation at the International School of Nuclear Law. Please send an email to request a copy of this presentation.

Presentations by CNSC staff

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