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Safety analysis

Safety analysis is a systematic evaluation of the potential hazards associated with the conduct of a proposed activity or facility and considers the effectiveness of preventative measures and strategies in reducing the effects of such hazards. There are two basic types of safety analysis: probabilistic safety analysis and deterministic safety analysis.

Probabilistic safety analysis focuses on evaluating the risk arising from various events to confirm that safety goals are met. This analysis is performed using best-estimate data and assumptions, and considers all existing plant systems to provide a realistic prediction. It provides insights into plant design and operation, including the identification of dominant risk contributors and safety improvement opportunities, and the comparison of options for reducing risk.

Deterministic safety analysis focuses on evaluating the consequences of various events to confirm that the dose acceptance criteria and safety goals are met with a high degree of confidence for all accidents within the design basis. This includes demonstrating the efficiency of defence in depth and the integrity of protective barriers.

In this category you will find research and technical information about deterministic and probabilistic safety analysis, hazard analysis, criticality safety, severe accident analysis, and management of safety issues.

Research and support program

Technical papers and abstracts


Health studies


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